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  1. Pohtaytur

    Guinea Pig smell?

    Hi, so I was petting my boar Harold, when I noticed a sort of musky smell? It's kind of a hard smell to describe. I don't think it was the smell of pee? It was a little sharp, but I could only really smell it if I was close to him, maybe a few inches away. I clean their poop daily and clean...
  2. kerry3383

    Would this be safe to have near my guinea pigs cage?

    Our pigs stay in the living room with us, their smell isn’t bad as we clean them regularly but there is still a smell and I worry when guests are over that it’s actually worse than we think and we’re just used to it you know? Saw this pet deodoriser wall plug in in the shop and thought it...
  3. Pig & Pymble

    Unusual smelling neck fur

    I have noticed that my 2.5 year old boar Pymble’s hair smells strange on the back of his head and round his neck. I was thinking it might be to do with the laundry, but his brother doesn’t smell and it also doesn’t go further than his ‘collar’ area. Could this be an indicator of something more...
  4. W

    Stinky pigs

    The past 3 weeks the guinea pigs have really started to smell. I have a sow and a boar (both 10 months old) and two other boars (6 months old) who live in my room in C&C cages. The smell has got to the point its almost eye watering and its wafting through a closed door, when I wake up my throat...
  5. twolittlenoses

    how can i minimise guinea pig smell?

    hello! so i am new here and this is my first post thread thingy, and i was wondering if someone could give me some advide on what to do with guinea pig smells. my guinea pigs live in my room, but they wont be able to for much longer if the smell continues like this. i really love having them...
  6. Marshie

    Stinky Boars smell - Will it go away?

    Hi. Maybe a week ago I introduced my boar to a young pig. Everything is going well although the older boar is obsessed with leaving his scent everywhere. I don’t mind it since I know he’s just trying to show he’s dominate (there’s no fighting just the older pig rumble struts from time to time)...
  7. Meshen

    Air Purifiers for Odor Removal?

    Hi all, first post here after lurking for a while so first off thanks to everyone here for providing such a great resource to help guide me and my partner through our guinea pig care. On to the question - we have three boars on fleece in a large c&c and it can get pretty stinky - can anyone...
  8. Hannahb2804

    Safe for flowers around piggies

    Hello just wondered if anyone could help me, when I get my piggies I’m planning to put them in my living room which is quite spacious, but I always buy flowers to put in there, would I be best stopping buying them as I know piggies have a sensitive sense of smell or are they ok to be near...
  9. C

    Smelly fleece :/

    After switching to fleece it’s so far been cost effective, clean and neat. However, after only two days a urine smell has taken over my room. I made the cage liners myself, with a mattress topper in the middle of 2 fleece sheets. I spot clean daily, and I have pads for high traffic areas but...
  10. GuineaDigs

    How many pigs of which genders?

    Hi All! I have a 5x2 C&C cage, I don't want it to smell too much as it's in my living room, but i want my pigs to be the happiest pigs! I'm stuck on one boy two girls (neutered of course), three girls, or two of any gender pairing. Which genders are chattiest? Would two boys be smellier...
  11. PandaBaird

    I'm changing from shavings to fleece soon, I'm new to fleece bedding so I'd like advice on what the best fleece and absorbant material

    Hi I'm moving house soon and I'd like to switch to fleece bedding for my 4 girls to keep any smell to a minumum and also because it looks nice, they're going to be in one of the spare rooms or maybe even the kitchen, I'm going to put their run on top of a raised platform so they're not on the...
  12. M

    My Peruvian Can't Find Her Food

    I have an Abyssinian and a Peruvian (both female). Ever since they were little the Peruvian seemed pretty stupid compared to the Abyssinian. Or so I thought. I think that my Peruvian is either getting dumber with age (she's only 1 year old) or something else is wrong. Recently she has been having...
  13. N

    How Can I Help Prevent Mess And Smell?

    I've had my two boys for three months now. When I first bought them I had woodchips in the cage and I've been cleaning them out twice a week. I don't mind cleaning them out twice a week but I hate that the woodchips get everywhere! They're indoor piggies and they're kept in my room so I am...
  14. Dana95

    Smelly Poops

    I have two guinea pigs and even though they eat the same food, one of them has a really bad smeling poops. It smells like vinegar or something acidic...(cat poo smells like roses compared to that). They are on fleece and everything is going great, but the smell from the poops is filling up the...
  15. bumbling-bambi

    Smelly Cage = Grumpy Boars?

    So just as a quick disclaimer i am aware that boars can be grouchy and that dominance plays a big part in this! I know who is the dominant pig and who is the submissive but i was just wondering if anyone else finds this! Also i apologise in advance for the novel i am about to write! So my boys...
  16. B


    Hi! I'm new, literally signed up to ask you kind people this question because I'm at my wits end. I have a neutered boar, Nigel, and his latest girlfriend Gracie. They live happily together on, until recently, fleece (with mattress toppers and towels underneath) in our living room in a...
  17. S


    hello, I have 2 male Guinea pigs and was wondering for some advice. I've had the piggies for a week now, I have spot cleaned the cage everyday and changed the fleece blanket I use twice in the space if the week, under the fleece blanket I have a roll of carpet and under that some newspaper. This...