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  1. Suki&Indie

    Fluid buildup in abdomen

    Hi all. Sadly yesterday when I brought my sow madison to the vet we found she had fluid build up in her abdomen. The vet decided to send her home with a urine dipstick to test for diabetes (I did the test and it’s negative) The vet ruled out a heart issue by listening with the stethoscope - is...
  2. Suki&Indie

    Pain killer wearing off too fast

    Hi all! One of my poor ladies has been battling cystitis on and off for months now. She’s recently gone downhill again but this time her painkiller seems to be wearing off quite fast. She was prescribed 0.4ml of cat metacam 2x a day. After she gets it she’s so happy - running around and eating...
  3. Suki&Indie

    Piggy just had a seizure. Aftercare tips?

    Hi all, about two hours ago my 8 year old piggy started seizing during a nail clip. We’re just back from the vets (decided to go for an emergency call out as the seizure lasted 5+ minutes) and we have drugs now. I’m mainly looking for advice on aftercare. She’s currently very quiet and sleeping...
  4. Suki&Indie

    Calcium in RediGrass?

    I’ve recently started giving my piggies RediGrass and it’s been amazing for putting some weight back on my elderly (almost 8!) piggy. I’m just concerned as I’ve seen some people say the calcium levels are fine and others say it’s very high. I'm not replacing their Timothy hay with the RediGrass...
  5. Suki&Indie

    Recurring Hiccups?

    I have a piggy who’s nearly 8 so you can image I’m a bit jumpy about her health 😅 recently I’ve noticed she has reoccurring bouts of hiccups. It’s very short and doesn’t upset her. I mostly notice it when she’s out for floor time but it’s happened once or twice in the cage too. She does have...
  6. Maxis

    Woke up to my guinea pig chewing on a photo…

    I’m own three guinea pigs and simply when I woke I heard a very peculiar chewing coming from their cage. To my surprise it was a childhood photo of me being eaten😖…and it was only a little off the top that was chewed. The wind must of blown the photo quite far. I’m just concerned if my guinea...
  7. Suki&Indie

    Extreme gas

    Hi all! I have a 5 year old piggy who I recently noticed had a bit of a bulge, of course brought her straight to the vet panicking it was a tumour and was told to see how her weight goes and call back. Her weight continued to drop (about 20g a week) so I went back. She’s currently in the vets...
  8. N


    Hey! I have recently bought a guinea pig and he’s doing pretty well. Very bubbly and gets along well with his cage mates. I have noticed something, he often purrs like a cat. Do they always do that?
  9. MsBaru

    DIY cage - done!

    I want to thank everyone who helped me and gave me advice on how to build a suitable DIY guinea pig cage! Our family of three went from 120cm x 80cm to this huge guinea pig paradise. There are three floors which are all connected via fluffy ramps. Each floor is 190cm x 65cm! It was made to fit...
  10. Suki&Indie

    White eye film

    I have a 5 year old piggy and recently noticed a white film covering the bottom part of her eye, it doesn’t seem to be affecting her as she still eats/drinks/plays so I’m hoping it’s just a cataract. Do you think it could be anything worse though? Normally I’d just go straight to the vets but...
  11. Gemm24

    A bit of a rant...

    Hi everyone This forum is great because it makes me feel part of a community and not alone or crazy because I love my pigs so much. Unfortunately I haven’t had much luck this year and have been back and fourth to the vet lots. I have lost one, another had a lump removed, one had an inner ear...
  12. Ineedapiggie

    Convincing My Parents For A Guinea Pig.

    Hey! I've wanted two guinea pigs for a really long time now. But, my parents keep on saying no. I've done everything though. I have written a four page essay all about them, why I want one. They keep on saying that they stink and are really hard work. I know they are but I'm really...
  13. Powelly78

    Finally Some Pics Of Our New Girls.

    Hi guys, I haven’t wanted to take any pics yet as have been leaving the girls to settle in. Here are Fluff (on the right) and Stripe (left). Fourteen week old Swiss breed Sisters :love::love: We are so in love! I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone on the forum as I most...