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  1. lydvn

    What is happening? Urgent maybe?

    Pluto was puffed up last night and felt a bit bloated. I gave him massages and infant gas meds to help, which did. He keeps doing this weird thing and I finally got a video of it… any ideas on what this even is? How urgent is this? We just spent $750 at the vet yesterday for his sister, and our...
  2. P

    Eye injury

    On Friday I noticed a hay poke in my Guinea pigs eye and it was late at night when I had noticed and no vets were open and if they were they didn’t take exotic animals. The next morning I woke up early and called around and all of the places were booked or extremely expensive and didn’t include...
  3. D

    [URGENT] Family took care of my piggy for TWO weeks, now when i got her i think she's on the verge of death.

    To clarify, i'm a minor. and my parents are STRICTLY against going to a vet. she's had something like arthritis before, and both of her legs stopped working, and none of them wanted to bring her to a vet, but luckily she got through it without any problems. Although now, our family has taken...
  4. Sir Cheeseballs


    My guinea pigs name is cheeseballs, and he is a few weeks away from being 4 years old. I took him out onto the couch today and noticed he fell while I wasn’t looking, and thought nothing of it. A few hours later and he is constantly loosing ballance, falling over, and leaning to the right. He is...
  5. PiggyPack

    Out of Hours Vet (Liverpool), Baytril not working 3 Weeks

    Hi Guys! For those of you who don’t know the situation, I have three piggies, all been in Baytril for a URI for 2+ weeks with very few noticeable improvements (slight increased appetite, not losing weight drastically) they are still all have bright green snot, are lethargic, and have clicky...
  6. D

    Older Guinea Pig, Rapid Weight Loss

    Hi all! I have a male guinea pig whos maybe about 5 or 6 (don't know his exact age as he is a rescue) so hes an older boy. I just came home from uni and my parents said he wasn't eating as much. I went to check on him and hed barely touched his veg, water or hay and he felt very skinny. Took...
  7. aniasandyogurt

    Hamster squeaking abnormally please help

    Hi guys this isn’t guinea pig related but i’m freaking out about my boyfriends hamster. She periodically makes these wheezing squeaks for a profusive amount of times. She’s about 9 months. It’s been happening for about id say two weeks give or take. She is eating and drinking normally and she is...
  8. M

    medical advice for 4 y/o male piggy

    Hi friends, I am a first time pig mom and have fell in love with my pigs in ways that I can’t describe. Recently, my first pig I adopted took a visit to the vet. Let me disclose that this was supposed to be a wellness check, I had heard sporadic sneezing but never consistent and I just wanted...
  9. O

    Help needed! Guinea pig recovery concerns

    So we recently took our boy (2 years 5 months) to the vet, and he had an operation to remove five bladder stones. Before this operation I assumed his food intake had gone down since he was doing small, thin poos instead of the regular sized ones. Anyway, we took him home from the operation and...
  10. AppleandTwig

    Post op issues

    Hello, my Guinea pig (4 years old) recently about 5-7 hours ago got surgery on his cheek/below cheek, he had a small tumour that caused his teeth to vary in length making it difficult for him to eat. During the car ride home (we picked him up about 1 and a half hours ago) he was rubbing his...
  11. H

    Guinea pig's eye a little cloudy.

    Hey. I got my boy almost a year back when he was a baby. He was really malnourished and boney. I noticed a little discolouration in his right eye but I thought it was just the lighting. Today, it caught my attention again, and I took a proper look at his eye and saw it was a little cloudy at...
  12. M

    don't know what to do (molar impaction)

    My guinea Juno (4yo) has recently been dealing on and off with a UTI for the past several months, but she suddenly started eating less and being less mobile, only eating a small amount of hay and veggies. She already had a checkup for her UTI but I felt her condition has been going on too long...
  13. sophie_fn

    Help! Stringy poop and lack of appetite.

    Hello, I would appreciate some help with my elderly female. For the past two or so weeks I have noticed that she hasn't quite been herself. She is usually a huge foodie, but I've noticed that she is not eating as much as normal. She is still wheeking for food and clambering at the cage to get...
  14. Hnrpiggies

    Think my piggy may be dying. How do I know?

    She’s booked in at the vets in themorning. I can’t get her there any earlier. she’s been consistently losing weight over the past year and has been to the vets who said she seemed healthy. She now weighs 716g. For a 3 year old pig. If it goes down another 50-60g she’ll have lost half her body...
  15. mel3236

    Piggy collapsed and unable to eat

    so recently my guinea pig hasn’t been eating & he seems like he’s struggling to keep himself up. I tried to feed him i’m some banana & he tried to eat it but he couldn’t. I’ve had him for about a year now & he’s never had anything wrong with him. I wanna say he’s about like 2 years old. I can’t...
  16. lucyr

    Urgent eye problem

    My friend’s guinea pig Dusty, 5 years old, his eye has suddenly become really swollen/bulging (see the picture attached) overnight, it wasn’t like this yesterday. He is still eating and acting normally but it looks terrible, they have an appointment booked for today but the vets aren’t...
  17. D

    Crusty red spot on belly

    Hi there, just went to hold my skinny pig Stella, and noticed this weird mark/rash on her belly. It's a reddish circle with dry skin on it. I'm new to this form and don't know how to upload pictures so if someone could let me know how to do that it would be much appreciated. I'm seriously...
  18. T

    Rescued Female guinea pig, very aggressive with baby guinea pig

    Hi! I recently adopted 2 guinea pigs. I got Ivy (1 month old) from a pet store, and rescued a 4 month old guinea pig named Hope about a month ago. They are both females. Hope was found left in her cage in a garbage can :( and no one knows what happened to her before that, but appears perfectly...
  19. K

    Odd scab that doesn’t really look like a scab on my guinea pig?

    Hello, when I was holding my guinea pig I saw a piece of lifted fur up and decided to lift it up and saw this... have no idea what it is and it looks like some kind of Infection. At first I thought it was a scab but looking at it more closely it doesn’t look like a scab. I plan to take him to...
  20. E

    My guinea pig is sick

    I went on a disney vacation and yesterday came back to an almost dead skinny pig she lives with 4 other guinea pigs and did show previous signs but was getting a lot better, (my grandma came over and took care of the guinea pigs.When we came back she was in the corner by the water bottle shaking...