uri infection

  1. D

    My guinea pig has been croaking (respiratory infection i think) medication advice?

    My guinea pig, strawberry, has been croaking during breathing since around 10pm tuesday 9th April. I assumed she was just making noises and when i woke up she was still doing it. I cant currently drive so asked my mum if she could take me to the vets and she said to see how she gets on later in...
  2. E

    Piggy recovering from URI and has stopped squeaking and not herself

    Hi there! So my 3.5 year old guinea pig had a URI that I caught in time and was support, but after 2 rounds of antibiotics sounds so much better. However, she has completely stopped squeaking and is really not herself. She seems less active and interested in interactions etc. however, she is...
  3. MollythePiggylover

    Piggie making an odd clicking sound

    Hello! one of my pigs (3, female) has been making this clicking noise. It stops sometimes and doesn't seem to happen when she breathes and I can't pinpoint where it's coming from, It almost seems like she's purposefully making these noises. She has no other symptoms of a URI or other respiratory...
  4. S

    Stopping Baytril for URI due to gut problems?

    Squeegee's brother, Squonk, passed away early Monday morning (8/29) from pneumonia and I took Squeegee to Squonk's appointment at my vet as I had started to hear popping and wheezing noises from his nose. The vet didn't see anything in his lungs and said if it got worse to call the vet to...
  5. D

    Stubborn URI - help please

    Hi all, One of my boys Punk got diagnosed with a URI on the 6th July 2022 and was given a 10 day course of Sulfatrim. All 10 days were completed and his symptoms went away. Around 3 days after symptoms went away, they came back. We were given a full bottle of Sulfatrim so decided to give it...
  6. Emilia_G

    Guinea pig hooting issue. Advice needed .

    Hello everyone! I’m a new guinea pig mom, got my two female piggies from my local pet store almost two weeks ago (Bean is 8 months old and Killie is 2 months old). The first two-three days everything was normal. After that, I noticed that Bean started making a hooting sound when she naps, kinda...
  7. basicpiggies

    Nose Troubles [Picture Attached]

    Hi all! One of my guinea pigs has what appears to be signs of nose discharge, but it looks to be more brown than green or yellow. I also found a little bit on her bottom lip which was weird. I attached a picture because I have never dealt with nose discharge or any related issues before even...
  8. L


    Hi! I previously had an issue with breathing with my little boar. It got better but it seems that it is happening again but with both of them. They have this weird wheezing sound coming from their noses and they sneeze (maybe 3-4 times a day.) I’m a little conflicted because i don’t know if...
  9. K

    Baytril Amount for URI - Does this seem high?

    Hi there! My 3 year-old boar just came down with a URI. I know I caught it early, but wanted him to been seen ASAP. I spent hours yesterday calling around and finally found someone to take him today (I just moved to this state, so that didn't help!). It's a HUGE teaching hospital - the reviews...
  10. S

    URI? Help?

    My sister called me worried about her guinea pig late tonight. He has runny/crusty nose, runny eyes that look like a white discharge and he is mouth breathing with clicking sounds. He also peed an orangish red color I can’t call the vet till morning and I’m worried about him! He is eating but...
  11. annapanutsa

    Guinea pig URI/possible pneumonia please help!

    Hi everyone, we got a young girl 2 weeks ago as a new friend for our existing guinea pig (we initially had 2, one died suddenly from suspected heart condition, so we had to get a companion for the surviving pig). I knew something was wrong with the new one right away: crusty eyes, nose boogers...
  12. Jasminrose

    Random wheezing but not sure why

    I’ve had my guineapig for about a year and got her from a previous owner which told us she is about 1 year old. She has been living with her other companion outside up until today as yesterday I noticed she sounded like she was wheezing a bit and thought it may have be a cold like thing where it...
  13. G

    Is this blockage behavior?

    Hello everyone, I have a 5 1/2 year old guinea pig. He just got over a URI infection on Sunday after the vet prescribed Baytril and doxycycline. I would give him his probiotic one hour after his medication, which he received twice a day. As of Sunday, sneezing, crusty eyes, wheezing, and watery...
  14. gigilover123

    Baby guinea pig on antibiotics for URI getting worse?

    I have a male guinea pig I got from petsmart, I do NOT support buying over adopting, however he was clearly sick and very badly beaten by the other guinea pigs. When we got him he seemed to get a bit better, only minor symptoms of his URI. So we waited a bit before getting him into a vet for...
  15. V

    HELP! Pneumonia spreading to all our pets!

    I had to put my hamster down on Christmas due to pneumonia, the vets who worked with exotic animals went home for the holidays. He showed severe symptoms of respiratory illness for 4 days before i got him in. During this time, my sister bought a tiny mouse and she’s been sneezing/coughing...
  16. C

    Advice on Bordetella, the transmission of other bugs and dogs being around piggies.

    Hi Everyone Just looking for a bit of advice/experience on what everyone does with regards to dogs, pigs and Bordetella. I keep my two boars in a cage on the living room floor where they love to keep an eye on us and beg for food and attention. However, I’ve got the in-laws visiting in a...
  17. xmegj_96x

    Help with Zithromax dosing and URI

    Hi, firstly I'd just like to say that i've been using this forum for help for many years but have only just made an account to make my first thread as usually I am able to find the info I need from others but I am now in a bit of a tricky situation and I'm not sure where else might be able to...
  18. P

    Can this URI return?

    My guinea pigs recently got off of Baytril for a URI, four days ago. Those four days ago, we got a recheck at the vet and they said everything sounded perfect. However, it's today that i still noticed some sneezing. I honestly can't tell if it's more than usual but I'm still worried that it...
  19. F

    Chirping/Wheezing + weight loss

    Hi, I’ve got a two (almost 3) year old female guinea pig called Poppy, who’s had a tough couple of weeks. Started with removing an inch long piece of hay/grass from her eye which resulted in a eye ulcer, but the emergency out of hour vets sorted that with pain relief and eye drops and her eye is...
  20. doodlecountry

    PetSmart Selling Sick Guinea Pigs!

    I know this isn't news to anyone that PetSmart sells sick piggies, but I wanted to share my experience. I wanted to purchase a cute little guinea pig, and one of the employees helped me. Despite all the tags on every enclosure saying "want to hold me? ask an associate", I was unable to hold onto...