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  1. M

    Strange Wincing and Noises

    Does anybody have some experience with this sort of movement and noise from our pig Jerry? He’s 2 1/2years old, is fine within himself and still eating, drinking, playing and handling well but has episodes of this wincing, sometimes accompanied by a noise. (See video for three of these, arguably...
  2. lydvn

    UTI in question?

    We took our guinea pig to the ER vet last night due to some very small drops of blood in her urine. There are a few concerns of mine that weren't in my head at the time of the vet visit (it was 2AM). With some of these bloody pees, there were hardened calcium deposits -- they usually dry up and...
  3. MoruMum

    Post-neutering UTI | Urinary Stone? Please advise!

    Hey everyone, New here and seeking advice about our pig, Squeak. He got neutered on Sep 21, recovered well with 3 days of Metacam. All seemed good—eating, pooing, and peeing nicely. On day 9 post-op, he started hunching and crying at night. No blood in pee, slightly softer poo. First time...
  4. Cooper & Chris Farley

    UTI? (photos attached)

    Hey all, me again 🥴. Just noticed one of my boys peed an odd color.. scared me and wanted to know if anyone thought it could be a UTI? I have been giving them some red pepper lately but I don’t recall either of them ever peeing this color in the past.. I have been giving each of them 1 mL of...
  5. C

    piggy with potential UTI?

    Hi everyone, i have a 1 year old baby girl named chestnut whomst I'm a bit worried about right now. This night i heard her make a whiny noise while trying to pee and got a bit worried and then later on, my sister saw the same thing. i’ve been at uni all day so i haven’t been able to see her...
  6. EllieHawkins

    Blood from privates

    Hey guys. Been awhile, I haven’t posted in a long time and I forget how amazing and helpful this forum is! I have a piggy bleeding from her privates, she went to the vets and was on antibiotics for 5 days, it seemed to stop but it’s started coming back so unsure if she needs a long course of...
  7. R

    UTI Trouble?

    Hi All, Hoping for some advice. 2 weeks ago our little pig Bertie developed symptoms of a UTI (small blood spots in his urine) so we took him to the vet, where he was prescribed 0.75 ml of Enrobactin and 0.5ml of Metacam for the pain. Around 4 days later he was visibly in more pain when he...
  8. G

    What is this substance coming out of my male guinea pigs hole?

    My male guinea pig who is at least 2 years old has not been peeing for 2 or more days but instead, has been having this substance come out of his urethra/peehole. I’ve looked up symptoms online, trying to find this exact substance but haven’t been able to find anything similar. It can either be...
  9. F

    Specialist Sore eye

    Hello! Long time lurker, but first time poster. I hope you lovely lot can help. My beautiful girl, Blossom, a dark eyed buff short hair, has been struggling with what I thought was conjunctivitis for a few weeks now. I’ve been treating her with Optrex Infected Eyes (chloramphenicol) but it’s...
  10. asian piggy

    peeing blood?

    I took my two piggies, Bruno and Ace, out for floor time and they were absolutely mad wheeking and popcorning. However when I took them back to their hutch and started putting back their hidey’s I noticed in one of my fleece hidey’s there was a rust coloured pee stain on it. I’m not sure if it’s...
  11. AdamFrench

    Blood From Bum And Weight Loss

    Hi, I'm wondering if you could help.. Our guinea pig Belle had lost a little weight over a few weeks (50g) then stopped losing it, never gained it back but hadn't dropped any lower. Usual behaviour, very vocal and eats LOTS! We woke up this morning with blood on her fleece where she had...
  12. S

    Uti And Constant Whimpering Noises

    So sad and worried about my boar George. If he is passing blood, that he has been since Friday with the UTI, does this mean that he is passing urine? He had a vet visit (Wednesday) for straining and being off colour and no blood in pee, but some protein. Given Baytril (I now know that this is...
  13. MJG

    Help! Is This Sign Of Uti

    Hi guys , this morning I went to change the puppy pads under where my hairy boy sleeps and found a large pinkish stain of urine ? Just wondering f this is a UTI or oxidised urine? If any one has any opinions or advice I'd be most greatful! I did a health check on him this morning , he's eating...
  14. NoodlesRosemary

    Pink/red Pee?!?!?!

    When looking around my piggy's cage I saw red/pink bedding. I realize that is blood in her urine. She went in her igloo and peed again, and there was blood in her pee again. I realize that most commonly if there is blood in the urine it is a UTI. Is there anything else that it could be? Is...