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2 Males Suddenly Not Getting Along?

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Alex Martin

New Born Pup
Nov 2, 2016
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So I have two male Abyssinian Guinea pigs. Shaggy is about 9 months old and Olaf just turned 3 months old. I've had them living together for the past month or so and suddenly Shaggy, who's also the dominant one, started getting aggressive towards Olaf who's super passive and submissive normally. It started the other night during floor time when I had to pick up shaggy real quick to brush him and weigh him and he wasn't too happy with me and started chattering at me so I put him back but as soon as I did he started rumble strutting in front of Olaf while chattering and corned him and started nipping at him so I quickly separated them because Olaf was terrified and squealing super loud and then I put Olaf away and left shaggy out to try to run off some steam but now for the past two days he's still going chattering nonstop whenever he sees Olaf and rumble strutting a lot until Olaf makes a run for it. Olaf has started chattering back at him too but I just feel horrible for him since shaggy has been tormenting him lately. They have more then enough space, 12.5 sq ft with multiple houses and areas and all that, and they've been best of friends up until now. The only thing that's changed is that I took away one food bowl because shaggy is getting fat from running back and forth eating out of both food bowls trying to keep Olaf from eating
Hi I had this with my 2 boys. I bought them as a pair and they lived happily together for a couple of months and suddenly they started fighting. It first happened during floor time. I tried several times to rebond them (there's a lot of good advice on this forum) but sadly nothing worked for my two. They now live happily separately, in cages side by side. They can almost touch noses through the cage wires so they're not completely isolated and have company in the sense that they can see and hear each other. I'd suggest trying the rebonding ideas on the forum though as they do sometimes work. Good luck!
I'll try that thank you, and I was wondering if that could be it. If it is should I just leave them together unless they end up fighting with blood drawn and try to wait it out and see if shaggy settles back down and if so is there an approximate amount of days hormone spikes last. And lastly, is there anything I can make him or give him for him to take out his extra aggression or frustration on? They already have plenty of chew toys and branches to chew on and even two decently big pieces of birch wood from my woods to chew on and play with
If you have a read of the Boars: A guide to successful companionship. it mentions a cuddly toy you could use to help transfer his frustrations on. Also a micro fibre dusting glove is useful too as it can get washed.
*image from amazon
Once blood gets drawn then its time to look at other options. Its not easy but waiting it out at the moment.
This happens when my sows go into season, sounds like a normal hormonal thing. The squealing isn't a terrified thing, it sounds way worse than it is. It's just the sub piggy saying "don't hurt me I mean you no harm", although it sounds like they're being murdered lol. Unless you see blood then you've gotta let them get on with it (observing too) and sort it out.

Just make sure you have 2 of everything at least a guinea pig and a half away from each other, 2 bowls, 2 water bottles, 2-3 hideys and at least 2 hay areas so no one misses out on food etc :)
So I have two male Abyssinian Guinea pigs. Shaggy is about 9 months old and Olaf just turned 3 months old. I've had them living together for the past month or so and suddenly Shaggy, who's also the dominant one, started getting aggressive towards Olaf who's super passive and submissive normally. It started the other night during floor time when I had to pick up shaggy real quick to brush him and weigh him and he wasn't too happy with me and started chattering at me so I put him back but as soon as I did he started rumble strutting in front of Olaf while chattering and corned him and started nipping at him so I quickly separated them because Olaf was terrified and squealing super loud and then I put Olaf away and left shaggy out to try to run off some steam but now for the past two days he's still going chattering nonstop whenever he sees Olaf and rumble strutting a lot until Olaf makes a run for it. Olaf has started chattering back at him too but I just feel horrible for him since shaggy has been tormenting him lately. They have more then enough space, 12.5 sq ft with multiple houses and areas and all that, and they've been best of friends up until now. The only thing that's changed is that I took away one food bowl because shaggy is getting fat from running back and forth eating out of both food bowls trying to keep Olaf from eating

Your two Boys are currently in the middle of one of the most tricky and trying periods of thier teenage months. Fall-outs can happen.
Please take the time to read through our very detailed guide. It explains what is going on, what you can do to judge whether the bond is still viable and what your options are of your two Boys do not want to go back together. You will hopefully find it very helpful.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Thank you I'll keep that in mind, the submissive one, Olaf, still gets sad if he's away from shaggy for too long and still likes to try to follow shaggy around sometimes. But shaggy will just go from sitting in the hay bin with him and eating 6 inches away from him peacefully to suddenly flying after him and chasing him around until Olaf finds a good place to hide or starts chattering back at him and then they usually have a standoff with shaggy rumble strutting nonstop until he turns and goes back to the hay bin or goes and chews on the branches hanging in the play area so it seems like they still like each other. shaggy just gets in these moods where he's even iffy with me and will chatter at me when he normally gets all excited just hearing my voice and smelling my hand
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