2 single Boars, j9 months


New Born Pup
Jul 23, 2020
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HI, I INHERITED 2 BOARS.When I got them they were in a tiny cage. One was very ill with a large cut across his back. He'd scratched himself stupid or had a cut and then scratched. Let me just say we really don't know. They kept fighting so I made a 4 by 2 foot cage and put them there in a larger one as try out for them. It took a lot of money, time and tears to get the correct vet and help my wee guinea pig. Now he's on the last week of treatment and will be bandage free very soon. Unfortunately they are now seperated as they kept fighting. Growing pains must be hard. This is my first ever guinea pigs. I took a lot of advice before I seperated them but the ill one (Squeak)was being bullied and terrified ,ill and stopped eating etc. Hes now coming on. I have them in 2 , 3ft by 2 feet c and c cages and am considering neutering them after Christmas. Its just how do you find them companionship?( I've just read your singleness artivle and totally agree they need companions. )You can see they long to be together chewing the cage and it breaks my heart. Unfortunately I can't afford 4 guinea pigs. I live in North lanarkshire. The nearest rescues are Ayrshire and Perth. I loved to have them dating and then one pair could be adopted.
They are both coming out if their shells now. I'm just beginning to socialise them. Its taken a long time.

Should I get Squeak more settled first. Bubbles is confident but not handled much . He loves his runs out into space and I've got used to him and him me I'm now beginning to handle him more. Is there a time limit for reintroducing them to other female guinea?so many questions. What to do , to do , to fo. ? Any advice?
I’m sorry your boys didn’t get on. At 9 months they’re in the midst of their teenage phase, and this can test even the strongest of bonds.

They cannot be introduced to a sow until 6 weeks after they’ve been neutered. Anything before that they’re still fertile, hence the six weeks.

The best way to find a friend is to take them dating. You could try a boar bond as well if they have any that they could try them with. I would contact the rescues now, telling them you have two living separately and see what they say.
I’m sorry your boys didn’t get on. At 9 months they’re in the midst of their teenage phase, and this can test even the strongest of bonds.

They cannot be introduced to a sow until 6 weeks after they’ve been neutered. Anything before that they’re still fertile, hence the six weeks.

The best way to find a friend is to take them dating. You could try a boar bond as well if they have any that they could try them with. I would contact the rescues now, telling them you have two living separately and see what they say.
Thank you
Hi, Thank you so much. I wasn't at all aware of the 6 week wait until they can be binded with a female.
Yes, I think I will contact the rescues. Sound advice.
Working with a rescue will also give you more options. You could take both of your boys along and ask to take one of your boys and his chosen companion home, and have the rescue rehome your other boy with this new compbaion. I understand this would be hard, but it means you would end up with only 2 guinea pigs and your other boy would be rehomed responsibly.
Working with a rescue will also give you more options. You could take both of your boys along and ask to take one of your boys and his chosen companion home, and have the rescue rehome your other boy with this new compbaion. I understand this would be hard, but it means you would end up with only 2 guinea pigs and your other boy would be rehomed responsibly.
I can't imagine how hard it would be, but you could let yourself be guided by the rescue.
If they offer boar dating then they could let you know which pair seem most stable and maybe go with them?
At the end of the day you will be offering a loving home to a pair of guinea pigs so there is no right or wrong - just right. :hug:
I can't imagine how hard it would be, but you could let yourself be guided by the rescue.
If they offer boar dating then they could let you know which pair seem most stable and maybe go with them?
At the end of the day you will be offering a loving home to a pair of guinea pigs so there is no right or wrong - just right. :hug:
Thank you . That is very wise. I will have to contact the rescues and see what they say first of all. I appreciate you taking the time to help. Liz x