A Lovely Day To Hand In My Notice!

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I had a bully-boss once. It was soul-destroying and the relief when leaving is huge. Well done to you. What a rubbish boss. I hope you get your Morrisons job. I work at a Supermarket now after a career change and really rather enjoy it :) x
I can empathise with you all. I thought my boss was being horrible and unfair previously (he wasn't, it was a problem with poor communication and partially down to my severe mental health problems at the time). I went above his head and raised a grievance. Best thing I ever did cos it did get him communicating better but the meeting between me, him and the CEO for an hour really cleared the air and let us start over again. We now have a good working relationship.

I would urge people to follow procedures for grievances. It might not just be happening to you and why should you be pushed out of your jobs/studies but they be allowed to stay? Worst case scenerio it doesn't change anything and you quit anyway. Best case scenerio. They bin the problem boss & everyone's happy apart from the boss but that's karma :)
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