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Adventures in the U.S.

I’m sorry No No had the call to the bridge. Popcorn high little one.
So very sorry for your loss.
It’s such a shock when they go so unexpectedly.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve
He cried out once in the car. He is pretty quiet (by the way, is it normal for a boar to not wheek?) in general, so it was more heart wrenching. I turned, and told him it would be worth it in a few weeks. He doesn’t believe me right now.
So I adopted a guinea pig about 2 years ago from these people that were starving cats were attacking it and terrible condition anyways after 2 years of trying to bond with her she won't go near anyone refuses to picked up and hides 24/7 does anyone have any clue she won't associate with my other 2
She could just be permanently that nervous, or she needs more socialization skills. How is she after about twenty minutes of floor time? A pile of vegetables while roaming gets everyone to run here. It works in the cage too, but floor time is more enthusiastic.