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Adventures in the U.S.

Sorry that the weak pup has passed away. She may well have had some major genetic problem, guinea pug mums seem to have an uncanny instinct for when one of their newborns has something wrong that means they won't survive. Not that that makes it any easier for their human carers :hug:
Popcorn free little one 🌈
The babies are 2-weeks now. The new cage is almost done. I swear we are not keeping them all! :whistle:
I have already agreed to give up the pure white and white with a hint of brown on the tip of its ear. I must be strong, and keep searching for responsible people.
“The guinea pigs are happy. The guinea pigs are happy. The guinea pigs are happy. The guinea pigs are happy. The guinea pigs are happy. The guinea pigs are happy. The guinea pigs are happy. The guinea pigs…”
Do you knooooow what it’s like trying to catch everyone to weigh in a humongous cage?! It’s a three by seven C&C. Most of the pigs are primarily white, and three babies have only minimal or no markings. It was the pure white one that kept eluding me.
The lone male, Meat Loaf, isn’t the heaviest. That being said, I am not expecting him to go until three weeks with the girls. Dad is ready.