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Any Idea What This Might Mean?


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
East Midlands
I'd say for the 6ish months I've been having recurring nightmares that the animals, specifically the rabbits have died. But it's not a natural death or an animal attack, it's because I've forgotten to feed them or give them water and they've died of dehydration.

I don't know what this means, it's really distressing, but in the dreams it's not even happening in the house I live in at the moment, it's all happening in my mums house, were we lived over a year ago and the rabbits lived there with us for a few years.

When I wake up I know it would never happen because I check on all the animals everyday and my partner also checks the rabbits twice a day when he let's them out in the morning and puts them away at night but I'm so confused why this nightmare seems to happen again and again?

Any one have any idea what this might actually be about? And why it keeps happening?
Mmm sorry I’m not an expert in dreams. I do remember my dreams each night though with clarity. I’m not wanting to be nosey but if there’s anything that’s caused me to feel more anxious, stressed or super tired, my dreams can be more negative. I find it helps me to sleep peacefully if I have a relaxing bath before bed. I also buy a lavender pillow spray ( the cheapest I’ve found is from Avon it’s fab), a few squirts on my pillow & this helps me sleep peacefully. Hope this helps. Xx :zzz:
Mmm sorry I’m not an expert in dreams. I do remember my dreams each night though with clarity. I’m not wanting to be nosey but if there’s anything that’s caused me to feel more anxious, stressed or super tired, my dreams can be more negative. I find it helps me to sleep peacefully if I have a relaxing bath before bed. I also buy a lavender pillow spray ( the cheapest I’ve found is from Avon it’s fab), a few squirts on my pillow & this helps me sleep peacefully. Hope this helps. Xx :zzz:

Ooh I've got that spray from avon too! It smells lovely doesn't it! :)

Hmm I guess I have been a little stressed out just lately :/ :/ Maybe it's because of that :/
I used to get these a lot about the guinea pigs I had when I was younger. I’d dream that they were in the shed and I hadn’t cleaned them out or fed them for weeks and weeks and I knew I should sort it out but didn’t want to see what contidition they were in (somehow in the dream I knew they were still alive). Really horrid. They seemed to have stopped now, but last night I had a kind of similar dream that my brother was leaving three pigs in a card board box in the bath whilst he went away for a week!
I used to get these a lot about the guinea pigs I had when I was younger. I’d dream that they were in the shed and I hadn’t cleaned them out or fed them for weeks and weeks and I knew I should sort it out but didn’t want to see what contidition they were in (somehow in the dream I knew they were still alive). Really horrid. They seemed to have stopped now, but last night I had a kind of similar dream that my brother was leaving three pigs in a card board box in the bath whilst he went away for a week!

Oh woah! I'm glad I'm not the only one even thought they're awful dreams
Maybe it's something to do with us worrying that because we are their carers if we don't look after them they would die because they can't get out to get themselves food or water.

I always think about the small pets in cages and hutches when I'm watching zombie programs and how they'd suffer and die because no one would check up on them... :/
I think that’s exactly why. The pressures of responsibility! Thank goodness I’m not having human children!

Oh gosh, I don’t watch Zombie things but wouldn’t that just be awful!
I get this!

I have a recurring nightmare about finding my animals dead or dying because of my neglect. Sometimes in my dream it's a whole farmyardful of various creatures.

Dreams are normally a reflection of your underlying feelings & fears I think, so in this case it's a worry about responsibility and possibly about people that depend on you as well as the pets - eg work or family.
Pigwhisperer has said exactly what I was thinking, it's your subconcious coming out with your worries. I have nightmares about piggies quite often.

I hope you can stop having nightmares soon, the interupted sleep is so exhausting.
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I think that’s exactly why. The pressures of responsibility! Thank goodness I’m not having human children!

Oh gosh, I don’t watch Zombie things but wouldn’t that just be awful!

I get this!

I have a recurring nightmare about finding my animals dead or dying because of my neglect. Sometimes in my dream it's a whole farmyardful of various creatures.

Dreams are normally a reflection of your underlying feelings & fears I think, so in this case it's a worry about responsibility and possibly about people that depend on you as well as the pets - eg work or family.

Pigwhisperer has said exactly what I was thinking, it's your subconcious coming out with your worries. I have nightmares about piggies quite often.

I hope you can stop having nightmares soon, the interupted sleep is so exhausting.

I get these. Nasty anxiety dreams.

I never knew this was something other people experienced too,
I'm a little suprised at just how many people actually have these type of dreams,
I'm glad to know it'd somewhat normal
Yeah, it's anxiety related. I have them sometimes. When I'm feeling overly anxious then I'll wake up during the night over anything such as thinking a pig is ill, thinking the heating has stopped working, even thinking the car has rolled in the road.

It's worth speaking to a doctor about it and/or trying an appointment with a counsellor