Anyone Else's Pigs Like To Lie With Their Little Arms Sticking Out In Front Of Them?

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Oh she is just super-cute! Mine occasionally do that but not very often. Wish they would do it more - I love their little feetsies!
1 of my girls does this when she is in her cosy tunnel. I will see if I can find a pic :)
Oreo is a little cutie!
Argh, both photos were supposed to be in 1 post and the writing I put up with them has disappeared! Anyway it was supposed to say 'here's maple comfy in her tunnel' and then 'just the one leg this time' haha
Thats so sweet! None of mine do that, although Daphne sometimes sticks one little foot out I think its usually just by accident :))
Lots of cute piggies. I've never seen any of piggies do this though I would love to! All they do us stretch the back legs out good and proper
Tippy toes! Cash used to do this bless him, I don't think I have any photos with me though to share
Anyone else's pigs like to stick their tiny little arms out? :p Oreo got very comfy under the bridge earlier. Maybe she was expecting a manicure...

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yes Cookies does, your piggie looks so cute:) Cookie lies full out sometimes, I came in and saw her like this, it did make me giggle! :)DSC_1855.webp
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