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Awful Viral Infection..desperate

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 27, 2014
Reaction score
UK, bedfordshire
Hi all some of you may have followed my previous post regarding my senior pig speckles who sadly died last week.. well I still have two other younger guinea pigs that still seem to have this poxy infection/illness that is not going away! There poo's aren't normal, teer shaped and quite dry. They are now on an antibiotic injection (they had their second one yesterday, third one booked for Thursday) PLUS they are on another oral antibiotic everyday 0.6ml.
I have put a probiotic in their drinking water.

Is there anything else I can do? When they had their first injection last week they seemed to perk up abit, and seemed to be getting better then after the injection yesturday there both miserable not coming out of there houses much and barely eating (I'm trying to syringe feed them 10ml x3 times a day)..

Do you think the antibiotic is having an impact on their bellies? I'm so tired, this has been going on for 3 weeks now, I'm mentally and physically drained from it all and although I'll never give up I just am not convinced this "problem" or whatever it is they have, is going!

Any advice appreciated xx
The oral one is septrim, but I'm not sure what the injected one is, its orangey in colour if that helps! They are now munching some lettuce which is good as it will hydrate them also. I'm wondering whether they acted funny and went off food yesturday because they had the injected antibiotic then 2 hours later they were due their septrim, so they had that also. Maybe it was too much in a short space of time?
No they had it Friday and then again Monday and they have it booked again for final one on Thursday. they injected it so I forgot to ask what one it is
It would be worth swapping the probiotic for one that you give them directly, as the antibiotics could be messing with their digestive system.

Putting probiotics in water isn't the best as you have no direct way to tell how much they're having, if any and if they don't like the taste then they might stop drinking completely.

Were you given a bill, or invoice? It should say on there what the antibiotic was.
Nope wasn't given a receipt. There a good vet and good with guinea pigs also, so I have every faith that it's a safe antibiotic. No problem the vet gave me bio-lapis probiotic from speckles when he was alive, should I give them that? I'm not sure how much of the sachet I should give? Here's a pic of it as 50ml seems like a lot to give in one go?

Definitely give him some probiotics as his guts are out of wack.

Check the date on the bio lapis before you give it but if it's in date it will be fine to give. You have to make it up as instructed on the sachet, 50ml water to one sachet then give as much as he wants through a syringe 1-2 hours after each antibiotic dose. You can keep the rest of the bio lapis in a jug in the fridge but I wouldn't keep it anymore than 12 hours. You will need to get some more probiotics as he will need them whilst on the antibiotics and a few days after until his guts are sorted.

If he doesn't make any progress or you are still worried then please take him back to the vet.

Keep weighing him daily and top up with syringe feed if he's losing weight.
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