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Bann's eye

Viscotears is really good. It's now one of those things locked up behind the counter that needs 50 questions before they let you buy it! I have a dry eye problem myself, never say it's for your guinea pig!
Alright, so he's good to come home. He's got a pinprick ulcer (their words) and they're fairly certain he doesn't have anything caught under the eyelid but apparently he was being too much of a wriggly menace (as usual) to be 100% certain. They're not worried about something being caught though. So he's got eyedrops, metacam (cat, but I'm happy to give it a try and see how he does) and then they'd like to see him back next week to see how it heals. Full MOT including nail clips, and apparently the nurse was watching him eating while he was on the phone with me, so.

I am...relieved. That's the word, relieved.
Glad to hear he’s been seen now. Hopefully the eye drops will kick in quickly and he’ll be back to his mischievous self in no time 🤞
They're happy with his fat lump (which has stated the same for 18 months now anyway) and his skin too. Yes it's dry, but not something they're worried about, they think he might just be prone to it.

I'm waiting to see if Royal Mail plan on turning up today or not. I don't have to be there til really 7pm as the cut off time but I don't want to leave it that late.
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I’m so glad he’s ok. I hope his eye heals well and I’m relieved his fatty lump and dry skin is nothing to worry about. I thought they’d give him cat metacam and it will be a tiny dose too sadly, that’s the only fault I have with the vets. You can always asked for remand corneal repair gel when you get there although you can buy it online cheaper or you can buy just normal human corneal repair gel online or from a pharmacy, just don’t say it’s for a guinea pig but you may not need it at all x
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Alright, so he's good to come home. He's got a pinprick ulcer (their words) and they're fairly certain he doesn't have anything caught under the eyelid but apparently he was being too much of a wriggly menace (as usual) to be 100% certain. They're not worried about something being caught though. So he's got eyedrops, metacam (cat, but I'm happy to give it a try and see how he does) and then they'd like to see him back next week to see how it heals. Full MOT including nail clips, and apparently the nurse was watching him eating while he was on the phone with me, so.

I am...relieved. That's the word, relieved.

Glad that it isn't anything really serious.

I would recommend investing in some viscotears or at least tear gel (not drops) to help ease the discomfort and support the healing process; it helps to speed it up. Since there is no surface damage apart from the pin prick, you wouldn't be given Remend for corneal repair.

Try to gently pull down the lower lid and aim the drops into the gap between the lid and the eye. Distract your wiggle monster with serving part of his dinner and pellets.

He's as bright as he could be. Even on the counter at the vets he was visibly taking an interest in his surroundings, to say I'm happy is an understatement. Apparently the goblins have a little fan club going in there too, lol, not that I'm surprised. I've to go back next Thursday evening to see Vincent @Claire W but so far so good. Especially with it being less than half the price.
Hooray I’m so pleased Bann’s eye is ok and you’ve got what you need ….not surprising those boys have a fan club at the vets
They’re special ❤️❤️
Good for you too - you relax a bit when they’re home 🥰
I’m so glad that you’re happy with the result and that Brann and Cam have earned themselves a fan club ❤️ I’m glad they’ve at least given you a 15ml bottle of metacam rather than the tiny 3ml bottle.

Both Martin who would have been the nurse you saw today and Vince are lovely, they all are. I’m seeing Vince myself on 13th May with my cats for their vaccinations. I kind of miss going to the vets every 6-8 weeks with my piggies for nail trims and anything else in between 😂
Yeah, they've said .2ml once a day but that's going to be next to useless so the bigger bottle is useful, but they've given me a 1ml syringe at least.

I am knackered lol. I forgot how exhausting anxiety is. Martin was great though. There were many squeals and shrieks trying to get Bann out of the carrier this morning and he joked about skinnies having a flair for the dramatic.

He was basking in the sunlight earlier but it's too warm for it, so I closed over the blinds and he's not impressed with me :))
Yeah .2ml once a day is about as useless as a chocolate teapot. Like I say, that’s the only thing I do not like about the vets

But I’m glad you thought Martin was great and that they’ve seen skinnies before

Anxiety is awful but I hope you can relax a bit more now you know Bann is ok x
He's just been on a zoomies fit around the cage :xd: I have no idea what goes through his head lol but for once I'm not complaining. Well, about him anyway, my legs are killing me! I can't fault Valley at all though, I hate going new places especially when I'm already anxious and today went really smoothly.
It’s always anxiety provoking when going to the vets never mind somewhere new and especially when we have bad anxiety anyway. You should be proud of yourself 🙂 Glad you were happy with Valley and that it all went smoothly 🙂
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He's as bright as he could be. Even on the counter at the vets he was visibly taking an interest in his surroundings, to say I'm happy is an understatement. Apparently the goblins have a little fan club going in there too, lol, not that I'm surprised. I've to go back next Thursday evening to see Vincent @Claire W but so far so good. Especially with it being less than half the price.
Was the nail cutting for just bann?That seems to be quite expensive.
Well done @Lorcan. I find vet visits stressful at the best of times let alone when it’s for something time sensitive. You should feel proud of yourself you were able to advocate for Bann when he needed you. 😍
Sending bags of healing vibes for poor Bann and hope his eye heals really well 🤞
Well done you 3, sounds like you have had quite the adventure today. Hope Bann’s eye gets better soon. ⭐
It's almost time for the night dose. I've put some salad leaves in an Asda order for tomorrow because it's the only thing that might work. Unlike Cam who could be bribed with almost any food, Bann likes to be weird. Sometimes he'll take it. Sometimes he'll automatically assume it's poison. Sometimes he pretends to assume it's poison til you're not looking. 🤷‍♂️