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Bann's eye

Another Metacam junkie piggy! we get through so many syringes I buy them by the box. If you need more PM me an address and I'll post you some.
You are doing an awesome job with the Goblins, you always go the extra mile. They really are lucky to have you.
I was in the study and heard some awful screams from the bedroom. It was Bann of course, I'm not sure what happened but

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It's not been quite 12 hours yet but I don't know if I want to let it go another couple of hours 😕

Edit - I'll wait. He had something to eat without hesitation (and I have a grape-soaked shirt for my trouble. Thanks, lad). My poor heart.
Oh dear, I hope he's OK! His eye looks more gunky than the earlier photo, but has he done anything else to himself?
Oh dear, I hope he's OK! His eye looks more gunky than the earlier photo, but has he done anything else to himself?

Not that I could find. I think there may have been a bit of an argument between the pair of them over who got the bed but that was it.
Not that I could find. I think there may have been a bit of an argument between the pair of them over who got the bed but that was it.

The ulceration gunk can continue for some days (usually about 2-3 days) until the meds kick in fully and the infection that produces it starts to subside. Antibiotics (isathal are the licensed antibiotic eye drops or gel for milder cases in the UK) take several days to build up to full efficiency. Just be patient and persist at this stage; make sure that the medication arrives in his eye regularly (ideally you space out the interval as evenly as you can) and things are going to sort themselves out. You are only a day into treatment.
It's been 13 or 14 years since Jake's eye issues. I'm so not used to any of this. I managed to wrap him a little which is hilarious solo - wrap it round once, move him off me to let the fleece wrap go underneath him, repeat a few times til there's no fabric left. It doesn't stop him shifting his head but since I had to do tonight's meds run downstairs it settled him much quicker (and downstairs is always cold in comparison).

You are only a day in.

That's what I had to remind myself - once I was sure he would eat I ended up putting it off again til the correct time. He's had his meds and came looking for his pellets (which they always get right before I go to bed) and the eye's still open.

Another Metacam junkie piggy! we get through so many syringes I buy them by the box. If you need more PM me an address and I'll post you some.
You are doing an awesome job with the Goblins, you always go the extra mile. They really are lucky to have you.

I'll hopefully not need to take you up on that but considering how much he likes to gnaw on it, I can appreciate I'm probably being optimistic 😅

Let's hope that's all it was, you can do without the hassle of another ( especially OOH/weekend) trip to the vets ..

The vet opens over weekends but the weather's taken a turn. There's always something isn't there?
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Poor Bann and poor you. You’re doing a great job. I’m sure it will soon be looking and feeling much better. 🤞🏻
You’re doing so well ! It’s so hard and Bann doesn’t realise it’s for his own good 🥰
It can take a while for everything to start working but you’re both doing great ❤️❤️
Another Metacam junkie piggy! we get through so many syringes I buy them by the box. If you need more PM me an address and I'll post you some.
You are doing an awesome job with the Goblins, you always go the extra mile. They really are lucky to have you.
I have some spare syringes too if needed
Thank you. The smallest syringes I usually keep here are 2.5ml, too big for metacam dosing.
He's still got three doses to go - he screamed bloody murder being picked up tonight (and brought half the hay in his bed with him) and only stopped when he realised I had him and screaming was pointless. Sorry, neighbours :doh:

Cam's worked out something is up and is letting him share the same bed. I think all three of us will be glad when this is over, lol.