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Best Flea Prevention? And when from?


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Derbyshire, England

I need some assistance please...

I have adopted a guinea pig, she is young (I am unsure of exact age) and has only one eye following vet removal (prior to me adopting her) I was told due to an infection (I suspect following a fight).

I have a cat and regularly treat him to prevent fleas and would like a similar treatment for my piggy.

What’s the best to go for? A shampoo? A spot on treatment? And at what age would it be safe to start treatment?

I haven’t seen any fleas but prevention is better than cure hey.

Thanks so much in advance.
Hi, fleas are species specific so you don't have to worry about your piggie catching them from your cat.The eye removal could have been from an injury or an infection of some kind.
Ok great!

Her eye socket looks to have healed well, I’m not concerned about it and she doesn’t seem to be, she seems to be a happy piggy.

Would you recommend using something as flea prevention for my guinea pig?
As Gem has already said, guinea pigs do not get fleas so no treatment is necessary.
If you have specific concerns about health issues it is always best to talk to a vet in the first instance, as many pet shops sell over the counter remedies which are at best fairly useless, and at worst can actually mask symptoms making proper treatment and diagnosis difficult.
Ah ok thanks for your reply, I didn’t get that they didn’t get fleas, just that they couldn’t get the ones a cat could have, thanks for clarifying. :)

No I don’t have any health concerns, I just wanted to check I was doing the best I could for her preventatively so to speak.

Thank you :)

I need some assistance please...

I have adopted a guinea pig, she is young (I am unsure of exact age) and has only one eye following vet removal (prior to me adopting her) I was told due to an infection (I suspect following a fight).

I have a cat and regularly treat him to prevent fleas and would like a similar treatment for my piggy.

What’s the best to go for? A shampoo? A spot on treatment? And at what age would it be safe to start treatment?

I haven’t seen any fleas but prevention is better than cure hey.

Thanks so much in advance.

Guinea pigs don't have species specific fleas. Skin parasites can shortly affect another species, but as they starve on the wrong kind of blood, they tend to leave pretty quickly again.

You can find a list of guinea pig skin parasites in this guide here. Because of the risk of encouraging resistance and because it actually doesn't make a difference, we recommend to preferably treat any acute emergence of skin parasites promptly, but not on spec and not with cheap low dosed pet shop products. That is much more effective. When done correctly, skin parasites won't pass the level of temporary nuisance.

Please never treat small furries with on spec for fleas and ticks. It can be fatal as cat/dog flea powder contains active ingredients which are poisonous to rodents (including guinea pigs).
Fleas And Flea Powders