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Betsy's Guinea Pigs

Poor Thea! I went into the garage this morning and the first thing I heard was Thea complaining. Then I saw why. Misty was in the height of a strong season and was using Thea as a humping target. Misty humped Thea's face, side and every other part of her body. I took Thea out for her morning cuddle and some respite from the relentless humping. This must have been going on for some hours. I wondered why Thea was in the hiding tunnel this morning and not in her hay tray. It was to try to get away from Misty. Misty was humping the tunnel Thea was in instead! Misty calmed down after another couple of hours and Thea stopped shrieking.
Poor Thea! I went into the garage this morning and the first thing I heard was Thea complaining. Then I saw why. Misty was in the height of a strong season and was using Thea as a humping target. Misty humped Thea's face, side and every other part of her body. I took Thea out for her morning cuddle and some respite from the relentless humping. This must have been going on for some hours. I wondered why Thea was in the hiding tunnel this morning and not in her hay tray. It was to try to get away from Misty. Misty was humping the tunnel Thea was in instead! Misty calmed down after another couple of hours and Thea stopped shrieking.
Sorry for laughing at that Thea. Humping the tunnel 🤣
Last night at Veg time, Thea, Misty and Bramble were all lined up as usual awaiting the first piece of veg to be hand fed to them. Thea always gets her bit first. Misty and Bramble went for the same piece of lettuce. Bramble will always scarper off with her first bit of food as she is obviously starving and it is to be eaten in secret so no other piggy can nick it off her. Well she clearly thought that she had won the battle of the lettuce when Misty had it and started to run off to eat her precious bit of lettuce, then suddenly realised it wasn't in her mouth, stopped did a neat 180 degree jump and charged back to nab another bit off me and then dashed off to eat it in hiding. 🤣
Feeling guilty today, didn't have time this morning to give all three of them their morning cuddles and coriander. Bramble didn't get her morning groom either (I'm sure she won't mind that!). I did, however, clean out their run, give them a mountain of fresh hay and breakfast pellets. I'm not sure they'll like the change in routine when I give them evening cuddles instead. I hope I don't get reported to the GPU!
Feeling guilty today, didn't have time this morning to give all three of them their morning cuddles and coriander. Bramble didn't get her morning groom either (I'm sure she won't mind that!). I did, however, clean out their run, give them a mountain of fresh hay and breakfast pellets. I'm not sure they'll like the change in routine when I give them evening cuddles instead. I hope I don't get reported to the GPU!
Tut tut.. what’s it take to get a decent slave around here? :rtm: