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Blood In Urine

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Veggies Galore

Senior Guinea Pig
Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
My guinea pigs have been in boarding for a few days - she feels awful and so do I. My guineas recently had some blood in their urine but this stopped when I cut out celery leaves from their diet, When they were in boarding, they were given some dandelion leaves and at least one of them has blood in their urine again.

I will be giving them the I C diet from now on and arranging a vet check up.

Is there anything else I can do ?
How odd, any squeaking when weeing etc....?
No squeaking at all. Max is a bit subdued so I think he is the culprit- all 3 are eating Ok.
Keep an eye on them anymore best see a vet in case of a UTI, may be a bit of inflamation though. We have had 2 interstitial cystitis piggies, there's used to calm down with a few days of low dose metacam...
Thanks . I'll separate them tomorrow and wait for them to wee. I have some specimen pots so I can take a sample to the vets if needed. Poor Max is due a check up on Wednesday anyway as he got a hay poke last week. His eye has cleared up -and now this !
Thanks . I'll separate them tomorrow and wait for them to wee. I have some specimen pots so I can take a sample to the vets if needed. Poor Max is due a check up on Wednesday anyway as he got a hay poke last week. His eye has cleared up -and now this !

Sometimes it all comes at once, lets hope this is just a blip. Give Max a cuddle for me.
Poor boy, hopefully it is just a UTI though it would make sense for any IC issues to flare up after a slight change in diet. Let me know if you need any test sticks as I have lots spare.
Poor boy, hopefully it is just a UTI though it would make sense for any IC issues to flare up after a slight change in diet. Let me know if you need any test sticks as I have lots spare.

Thanks for the offer Helen.

My vet us very good so I'll drop a sample off tomorrow .
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