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Buzz and Woody's new life starts here

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
I thought it would be nice to start a thread to chart Buzz abd Woody's progress. Here is their original thread.


We have them in a Trixie run in the bedroom but have ordered Corex to make them a 3 x 3 cage today and a 1 x 3 upper level too. We would have liked it bigger but just didn't have the room.

They are happy little boys, especially Buzz but we will see what the vet says on Thursday re their health. They love their hay and pellets and am giving them small amounts of veggies. Their poos are getting slightly darker now too which is good.

Here they are enjoying what must have been the first veggies in a very long time

They are so adorable. Good luck with everything, and again, I'm so glad you gave them a good, loving home :)
they are lovely, it's so nice to see them in a clean place after that awful pics the other day.
Thanks :) we have a long road ahead I think but it will be so worth it in the end.
Update: Buzz has started wheeking ! Woody hasn't yet but he is the shyer of the 2. They have both taken food from my hand though.
Sounds like a happy ending from the not so nice start they had. Plus, a new wonderful beginning with you. :)

I haven't read the info on the link as I feel sad today anywayk, but always feels sad when reading how unfortunate some piggies have been with previous owners etc.

Thanks for sharing the lovely pics. They are really a cute little pair, soo sweet.
Thanks, yes one or 2 pics are a bit upsetting, so best to look when you are feeling ok.

They seem really happy and I think they know they have a better future ahead of them.
By the way, do you think the girls know they are here?

Arrrh, lovely beginnings, looking forward to following their story to a happy ending.

Great to see such kind people with big hearts help these little lads. :rose

Just wondering if you have managed to weigh them yet Helen? And have you any idea of their ages?

Thanks for starting this thread about them, I will be checking up regularly on their progress. :)
Salt n Peppers Mum, Not yet, Ross is out at the moment with a work thing so I want to try to do it when he gets back in. Ross asked the lady their ages but she didn't know. She basically knew nothing of any use really.

Have just given them a heat pad as the bedroom is not the warmest room in our flat. They are little cuties, as soon as I put my hand in to clear the poos though they are climbing up my hand to see what I've got. They are still starving bless them and Buzz drinks a lot so all will be mentioned at the vets (am going to take a list).

Flips, thanks.
Just weighed the boys:

Buzz: 824g
Woody: 873g
they are so adorable and I'm sure they will do well in your care :) look forward to seeing how they improve, well done for saving the poor little mites from people who obviously didn't care about them enough to even clean their hutch out x
Just weighed the boys:

Buzz: 824g
Woody: 873g

Simliar weight to one of my fosterers 'Sprout' I weighed him tonight and is 831g not sure of his age but guessing 4 months?
Have they settled down into their nice clean home now Helen?

Hope you've had a 'happy day' with them and your migraine has eased. x
Really, so maybe these are the same age, they do look older though.

Had a lovely day with them apart from the dizzyness. They seem really happy, have just taken some lovely pics (excuse Ross' chest). The first is a proper close up of Woody's hair though.




A very blurry Buzz follows
I had to share him sniffing the camera


This one is a bit better

It's hard to tell age from weight especially if the guinea pig has been neglected. Jenny at Crawley Guinea Pig Rescue took some in recently that are underweight. Two females (owner said they were 18 mths old) were about 550g and 830g, and a bonded male and female (2 and a half years old) about 900g and 840g. All were thin and on the tiny girl (who the owner said had lost weight dramatically which had pushed forward the handover) you could feel all her spine/ bones. After a week at Jenny's all have put on weight and when you pick them up their skin feels plumper under your fingers. They were just underfed and forgotten about in the garden (seems the little girl was bullied and started stuffing her face once separated from the other girl).

You may get a better idea of their age from the toenails. I read that they get thicker as the guinea pig gets older.

Thanks Flips that's really helpful. Will check their toenails. Hope Jenny's little ones are ok.
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