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Can A Cat Be Around A Rabbit?

Little Pigs

New Born Pup
Jul 8, 2017
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I have a 5 year old lionhead bunny named Charlotte and a 5 year old cat named Zoe. Charlotte is a feisty girl and always puts people in place if she feels annoyed or you touch her food! Zoe is very quiet and has few strongly formed bonds, my sister, my guinea pig whom passed away 4 years ago and her kitty brother who moved house 2 years ago.

Zoe LOVED carrot, my piggie who passed away, though I never chanced letting them be face to face, she would lay by his cage and Carrot would run to see zoe and she would lick his nose. When he died, Zoe went into a state of depression for several weeks. This happened again after her dearly loved brother moved house.

My question is can my cat be around my rabbit without a cage separating them? Charlotte is a free rang bun with an open cage as her 'safe spot' and ever since they were babies they have been together and as with people Charlotte always put Zoe in place to the extent where Zoe became slightly wary and frightened of her. Despite that, Charlotte and Zoe do get on but unfortunately can misread each other as their 'languages' are different. We have never left Charlotte and Zoe unsupervised but what are your views on my cat being around Charlotte?
- thanks xx
I don't think they should be together unsupervised unless you are 100% confident in your cat and rabbits ability to get along. Nobody knows your animals like you do. You make your rabbit sound fearless and comfortable in her space while many animals know a predator (such as a cat) when they see one and would completely freak-out.

For example: Dogs are supposed to be 'hunters' but my dogs are afraid of my guinea pigs and I know they would never intentionally hurt my pigs.

Like I said, I wouldn't put them together unless you were 100% confident in their relationship. Other people may argue with me but thats how I feel about prey and predator animals together. I love the name Charlotte by the way.
I don't think they should be together unsupervised unless you are 100% confident in your cat and rabbits ability to get along. Nobody knows your animals like you do. You make your rabbit sound fearless and comfortable in her space while many animals know a predator (such as a cat) when they see one and would completely freak-out.

For example: Dogs are supposed to be 'hunters' but my dogs are afraid of my guinea pigs and I know they would never intentionally hurt my pigs.

Like I said, I wouldn't put them together unless you were 100% confident in their relationship. Other people may argue with me but thats how I feel about prey and predator animals together. I love the name Charlotte by the way.
thank you for your reply! Both Charlotte and Zoe have been living together just fine for the last 5 years and I was wondering how others felt about the situation as there is a big discussion about dogs/cats being put with guinea pigs - I would never put my guineas with Zoe or Charlotte as I know they have no defense where as Charlotte is able to thump Zoe (and she has before) and I wondered on the views of rabbits with cats (I would never put Charlotte with a dog but as you said it depends on the situation and the animal). Surprisingly, Zoe is extremely caring towards other pets and my sister once even accidentally left her pig on a sofa for 20 mins and forgot about him (I wasn't happy)! And, when she returned we found Zoe sitting near the guinea pig just watching him!

- It is very funny the idea of your dogs being afraid of your guinea pigs!XD
In my previous home I had rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs a horse and three feral cats all living in perfect harmony! We would come home and find the cats sleeping in the living room and the dogs on the rugs beside the fire. The cats would dart out as soon as anyone else came in but obviously ok with the dogs. I would often find a rabbit or cat sleeping in the horses straw bed or in the guinea pigs large stable enclosure! I think the feral cats realised that to share meant they could have food and the comfort of the stove in the conservatory as long as they behaved! Ive also had house/ pet cats that lived happily with any type of family pet also in their house.
In my previous home I had rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs a horse and three feral cats all living in perfect harmony! We would come home and find the cats sleeping in the living room and the dogs on the rugs beside the fire. The cats would dart out as soon as anyone else came in but obviously ok with the dogs. I would often find a rabbit or cat sleeping in the horses straw bed or in the guinea pigs large stable enclosure! I think the feral cats realised that to share meant they could have food and the comfort of the stove in the conservatory as long as they behaved! Ive also had house/ pet cats that lived happily with any type of family pet also in their house.
That sounds so lovely! xx