Cutting Nails Advice

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Fargo, North Dakota; United States of America
I have two different scenarios involving two different piggies. My first one has the dark black nails. I have shined lights through them and is nearly impossible to see through. I normally just cut off the very end and fix any curved ones but is this okay to do? My second problem is my one guinea pig chews her nails. I thought I wasn't cutting them soon enough but I ended up checking her one to two weeks and she still is chewing on them no matter how short I get them. Normal? Or is she unique? Thanks!
I have two different scenarios involving two different piggies. My first one has the dark black nails. I have shined lights through them and is nearly impossible to see through. I normally just cut off the very end and fix any curved ones but is this okay to do? My second problem is my one guinea pig chews her nails. I thought I wasn't cutting them soon enough but I ended up checking her one to two weeks and she still is chewing on them no matter how short I get them. Normal? Or is she unique? Thanks!

It is very difficult to cut dark nails. I know of members who are using a copier! If you haven't got one, you do what you are doing.

it is also not at all unusual for piggies to bite a nail or two into a sharp spike for scratching.
I use a nail file that is not metal to trim my piggies nails as my profile piggy - Poppy - has black nails and they are a nightmare to cut.
one of my piggies has a mixture of clear and black nails and shes the squirmer of the 2 so cutting hers is a nightmare, theres no way I could keep her still long enough to try and see through the black nails. I just cut the ends off hers more regularly than I do my other pig and hers have been fine. It can be a tricky progress but you will get more confident the more you do it. I was petrified when I did them for the first time but you learn to trust each other :)
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