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Dark coloured urine


New Born Pup
Aug 14, 2018
Reaction score
Newcastle, UK
I just took my piggies out their cage and put them in the pen so I could clean it out and one of them seems to be peeing a brownish coloured pee. What should I do? Is it anything to worry about? It also seems to be all over their tunnel. 20180816_151946.webp20180816_152001.webp
Guinea pig pee oxidises and turns brown very fast and thats totally normal. Sometimes weird pee can result from too much calcium in the diet and lead to kidney stones, but most piggy pee turns brown and yucky very fast! As your piggies are young they need plenty calcium in their diet to grow but as they get older you might want to restrict high calcium veg and pellets or filter their drinking water to reduce calcium. And if any piggy sounds in pain while weeing or passes blood thats an urgent vet case. But brown pee is usually just another cleaning up joy of piggy love :)
Some foods especially some kinds of veggies are known to change the colour of the urine. So that’s perfectly normal.
Maybe I am giving them too much calcium? They have spinach and kale twice a day and they have pets at home pig nuggets the mint and rosemary ones? Do you think I need to restrict the veg more? I tried them on some spring greens this morning and they loved them! Only gave them 1 leaf as it was huge. Not sure if I am feeding them too much?

Such a big learning curve for me I want to do right by my piggies.
Thanks for putting my mind at rest that to wee is normal! Phew:blink:
Spinach and kale are high calcium and more of a once or twice a week food I think. Have you tried coriander/cilantro (name depends on if you are UK/US!) which is lower in calcium? Red peppers are always good too. And cucumber is an every day food. Beansprouts, carrot, sweet potato, squash, parsley though that is also quite high calcium I think, some types of lettuce but not iceberg... clover, dandelions...
There are lots of great feeding guides on the forum- I only found out today by searching on the forum that piggies can eat a little bit of kiwi fruit occasionally! (well fatties Jezebel and Clover ate it, Puggle ran away in terror and Piggle played football with it) :)
I haven't tried coriander yet I need to get some this week. I was told cucumber only occasionally?
I'm going to start keeping bit of pepper etc aside when I am cooking to give them more variety ☺️
Ah so cute! I need to try more fruit with them 😍
Cucumber is an every day food (1 or 2 slices per piggy per day) but fruit is more like a once or twice a week food and so is the high calcium green stuff. Mine have coriander and red pepper about 3 or 4 days a week because thats what us human peoples eat for dinner usually :) have you tried melon (especially watermelon) as a fruit? The piggies love the skin and green bit near the skin that humam people dont eat!
Ah awesome! I'll try get some from work tomorrow! I have just been and bought some coriander. Can they eat rosemary? It's in the nuggets I give them but I couldn't find it on a safe list of veggies I was looking at...
Yes my piggies love watermelon! My manager at work had some so I took the left over green bit. My fridge has been taken over by piggie safe veggies, I think I need another one for me!
I give my girls lettuce (romaine, red leaf - NEVER iceburg) every day, so maybe that would be better than kale and spinach? K & S are really high in calcium and I give a small amount once a week, and only if I have it in the house - I don't buy it especially. My girls also love bell peppers (any colour), cucumber (also nearly everyday), carrot as a treat every now and again (high in sugar). Mine also love spring greens, maybe 3 times a week and if you have dandelions in your garden I can guarantee they'll go down well too! I know what you mean about needing a separate guinea pig fridge haha! XD:))