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F10 Disinfectant As A Wash..?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 6, 2016
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I was advised by a vet (not my normal vet) that F10 disinfectant can be used for Beans who is scratching/biting around her thighs and vulva area.

She's been checked for mites and it's not that so I was advised to try this.

I was told 1ml of F10 per 500mls of water and bathe the area twice a day.

Has anyone ever used F10 for this reason?
I was advised by a vet (not my normal vet) that F10 disinfectant can be used for Beans who is scratching/biting around her thighs and vulva area.

She's been checked for mites and it's not that so I was advised to try this.

I was told 1ml of F10 per 500mls of water and bathe the area twice a day.

Has anyone ever used F10 for this reason?
I would have thought disinfectant was a bit harsh about her vulva area
So did I but he was adamant it was okay to do so... He did say it would have to be extremely diluted but I don't know, something doesn't seem quite right? :hmm:
I was advised by a vet (not my normal vet) that F10 disinfectant can be used for Beans who is scratching/biting around her thighs and vulva area.

She's been checked for mites and it's not that so I was advised to try this.

I was told 1ml of F10 per 500mls of water and bathe the area twice a day.

Has anyone ever used F10 for this reason?

I know that highly diluted F10 can be safely used for guinea pigs with scratch/biting issues caused by severe mange mites or fungal (it has been done by an experienced forum member). F10 is fungicidal also for spores, as well as antibacterial and also somewhat antimicrobial..
I know that highly diluted F10 can be safely used for guinea pigs with scratch/biting issues caused by severe mange mites or fungal (it has been done by an experienced forum member). F10 is fungicidal also for spores, as well as antibacterial and also somewhat antimicrobial..
Around her thighs are a bit dandruff-y and she's been biting around the vulva area so much there's a bald patch now. I'll give it a try then. As I've never heard of this being used I felt I had to double check.. thanks :nod:
I meant to add, would I need to wash it off or just leave it to dry? I know it says it's non toxic but I'd be worried if she was to bite the area she would ingest it?
Wiebke has already answered the question but I had a quick look on my bottle (I use it in a nebuliser).

It says you can use it topically straight from a bottle of Ready To Use formula (the one I have). And the dilution of that is 1:250 F10:water for severe issues (like cleaning wounds) and 1:500 for more general usage.
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