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First lawn time of the year


Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2015
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The piglets got out in the lawn for the first time this evening. They’ve had mountains of grass for as long as it’s been growing but the weather has never been good enough for me to put them out

They’re gorgeous! I’ll be putting (my) our boys out on Monday
That is some impressive grass you have there - bet the piggies loved it!

Err, yeah, it’s a bit long! They enjoyed it, hoping to get them out on it a couple times before we cut it this weekend!
Wow, what great photo's.
So firstly well done you and also the grass looks great and your piggies will be so happy with that.
Awwwwww :love:

Thanks for sharing them with us here
Err, yeah, it’s a bit long! They enjoyed it, hoping to get them out on it a couple times before we cut it this weekend!
Why cut it when you have organic lawn mowers to do it for you? Yeah its gets a bit patchy but as long as you don't mind that it doesn't matter (My dad would have hated that he was definitely a "lawn stripes" man!)
Thank you! Piggies are upset with me as the weather has reverted back to cold-spring and they haven’t been out since the bank holiday weekend. I have been cutting grass for them though. We do cut the lawn on a ‘long’ setting but I’m not allowed to get away with not cutting it at all!