Fleece - Am I Doing It Right?

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The fleece need to be washed every three to four days, 60 degrees. Non bio detergent and no fabric softener. Also a capful white vinegar is good to remove stains.

Towels also three to four days.
I wash my fleece and towels all together around every 4 days in the way described above. :)
It is interesting to hear you wash your fleece and towels together! I always did mine separately....no idea why.
Yes, every 3 days for me too. I also wash my fleece and towels together, two cycles on an intensive wash at 60 degrees and then into the dryer.
So every 3 or 4 days?

It's best to change fleece every 3-4 days. i.e twice a week. However, I advise that you check your fleeces whenever you spot clean.

As I've said before, I don't use fleece on all of my cage but I do use fleece cosies and sometimes use a few cage liners. Whenever I spot clean , I check all my fleece items and change any that are soiled. Sometimes, I will change one when it has only been in the cage for a day.
The fleece need to be washed every three to four days, 60 degrees. Non bio detergent and no fabric softener. Also a capful white vinegar is good to remove stains.

Towels also three to four days.
Is it 60 degrees for anti bacterial reasons? Non - bio in case of allergies? I've been washing snuggle covets etc in our usual bio powder
Is it 60 degrees for anti bacterial reasons? Non - bio in case of allergies? I've been washing snuggle covets etc in our usual bio powder
Yes 60 degrees to kill germs. I have always used non bio, to avoid allergies, including me and the pigs, as bio can be harsh.
Is it 60 degrees for anti bacterial reasons? Non - bio in case of allergies? I've been washing snuggle covets etc in our usual bio powder
I use unperfumed laundry powder too.

I did try the special petware laundry liquid for a while but I just do a 60 degree wash nowadays
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