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Full caecum

Yes, definitely have him checked; there should have been an improvement. It rather looks like something underlying could be going on that hasn't been found yet.

Unless there is a marked deterioration I would rcommend to wait until Tuesday since out-of-hours cosnsultations cost a fortune these days.
His bloods came back all ok too? They’re thinking of starting the Cisapride? Just don’t understand it at all. Stressed out with the feeding & meds.

Thanks, yeah you’re telling me, we went a couple of times with Donnie. My finances can’t really take any more, it’s cost me well in excess of £2,500 this year. But they’re my babies 😿
Help! The vets couldn’t get me metoclopramide & I ran out yesterday so Bramble didn’t have his nightly dose. They are getting some in today but he has lost 26g overnight & this is with me giving him his usual amount of critical care. He seems a bit off this morning, not wanting veggies & rooting in the hay but actually eating very little of it. Do you think it’s off missing the metoclopramide or do you think he should be seen? He was only checked over on Tuesday. They can’t find anything wrong with him other than he had a full caecum & they thought he’d passed it? This is all from the azithromycin wrecking his appetite 😿
Try not to panic, 26g can just be the difference between a full and empty bladder.
I thought that when he was on critical care then his weight should be fairly stable? He just seems "off" this morning too? It could be that I am panicking but he would usually be chasing little Fozzy bear about but hes not bothered? Just wary with it being the weekend?
Well we've been and they are at a loss as to what is wrong with him? We've been given cisapride (metoclopromide still isn't in) 0.1ml three times a day and they haven upped his metacam to 0.5ml twice a day. This weekend will define what happens with him. I'm so upset, I don't know what I am doing wrong? Feel so bad.