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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 24, 2017
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We lost Stripe. I had been fighting with him for a while but in the end, he lost his fight.

He had far too many kidney stones stuck in the tube from the bladder to his kidney and I felt it cruel and selfish of us to put him through surgery that he had little chance of surviving and would cause him more pain than was necessary so we made the decision to let him go peacefully to sleep.

We did absolutely everything we could for him and the vet agreed with us it was the right decision and we had done all the right things, it just didn't pan out.
Here I am saying goodbye to my sweet little boy.

He gave me such happiness and joy and it was difficult but I know we did the right thing. There was no more we could do and cost wasn't an issue. I was more concerned with the cost to his well being.


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I’m so sorry you’ve lost Stripe, what a gorgeous piggie he was :hug:
Sleep tight little man 🌈
I am sure you did the right thing for Stripe, even though it's heartbreaking. He would have known how much you loved him and he a good life with you. He is out of pain now and popcorning over the rainbow bridge. Sleep tight lovely Stripe x
I am sure you did the right thing for Stripe, even though it's heartbreaking. He would have known how much you loved him and he a good life with you. He is out of pain now and popcorning over the rainbow bridge. Sleep tight lovely Stripe x
Thank you for that.
I was feeding him critical care as much as I could over a week and we managed to get his weight back up and we had a little hope then. Between the antibiotic, the painkillers, the critical care and the probiotic, he had syringe fatigue and in the end he dropped all the weight again. I knew that day we were going to lose him. He just had no fight left. I so wanted to fight for him more, but he was not up to it himself. He was such a good pig. Gentle and full of Wheeks. Miss him and his noise.
So sorry for your loss.
You made a tough decision out of love for your gorgeous boy.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve
Thank you. I miss him. I wish we had more time together. He was 3 and a half - 4 and a half. I was unsure of his age as he was a rescue. The vet thought he was older than we had been told.
I'm so sorry for your loss. it's so hard having to make these decisions. I lost a lovely boy straight after emergency stone surgery and felt awful about what I'd put him through: it had been his only chance but it was just too much. You saved your boy from further pain. Sleep tight, little Stripe 💕
I’m so sorry for your loss. You have done the kindest thing for him. Sleep tight little one.
I'm so sorry for your loss. it's so hard having to make these decisions. I lost a lovely boy straight after emergency stone surgery and felt awful about what I'd put him through: it had been his only chance but it was just too much. You saved your boy from further pain. Sleep tight, little Stripe 💕

Thank you. You need to be kinder to yourself. It was probably a different situation. Your boy probably had a chance. Stripe was very weak at that point and the stones were stuck in a particularly difficult place if there had been a chance of survival I would have got him the surgery. We try our best with the information we have at hand, be gentle with yourself too. You tried your best for your boy.
I'm so sorry for your loss,you did the most selfless act,to put your piggies needs before your own.:hug:
Thank you. All that matters to me is the welfare of my animals. They are innocent and I have a responsibility to try my best to care for them. My boy is at peace now and that's all I wanted if he could not get better.
I’m so sorry for your loss. You have done the kindest thing for him. Sleep tight little one.
Thank you. It never gets easier to say good bye no matter how many animals you have. I see it as an honour that I was able to give him peace in his last moments but of course on the way home I questioned my choices. If there was a way to save him, I probably agonized over it and what I could have done better, but I did try my best .
Such a heartbreaking decision to make but you did it for the right reasons and it was your last act of kindness to your beautiful boy who has been allowed to pass peacefully without suffering. Be kind to yourself
Such a heartbreaking decision to make but you did it for the right reasons and it was your last act of kindness to your beautiful boy who has been allowed to pass peacefully without suffering. Be kind to yourself
Thank you. I only had his well being in mind. I just wished it could have turned out differently but it wasnt to be.
Massive hugs to you at this really sad time. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please be kind to yourself, he was so very loved X x

Sleep well little one

RIP Stripe

x x