Guinea pigs have started fighting.. is their cage too small?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 24, 2019
Reaction score
York, England, UK
4 females in the cage, one of which is pregnant. It is the pregnant pig starting the fights and I don’t know if their cage is too small or if it’s just because she is pregnant. They’ve been together for as long as I’ve had them without any issues but since this one got pregnant (accidentally because of a broken cage) The fights have started.

Their cage is
3 foot 6 inches X 5 foot 10 inches


106 cm X 177 cm

i have extra girds so if this is too small, I’ll make it bigger but I’m not sure if the size is an issue.
they are not drawing blood but it’s a little more than a warning or dominance behaviour. They’re lunging at each other and having a scrap for a few seconds with no injuries.


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It looks a lovely set up to me. Maybe she Just wants a bit of piece and quiet! If you have extra panels you could make a bit more space for her and put her hidey a little further away from the others
That’s enough space for four sows. I would agree and perhaps you need to think about partitioning off a space for her. That way she can still have the interaction through the bars. I’ll also link in the feeding guide for pregnant (and nursing) piggies. You’re also more than welcome to start a thread in the pregnancy section if you have any questions about that.

May I ask what veg that is?
That’s enough space for four sows. I would agree and perhaps you need to think about partitioning off a space for her. That way she can still have the interaction through the bars. I’ll also link in the feeding guide for pregnant (and nursing) piggies. You’re also more than welcome to start a thread in the pregnancy section if you have any questions about that.

May I ask what veg that is?
It’s kale and romaine lettuce
It’s kale and romaine lettuce

Please keep kale very limited - small amounts once per week. Its high in calcium and needs to be feed sparingly to avoid bladder issues. Other high calcium veg that shoud only be fed once a week are spinach and parsley
Please keep kale very limited - small amounts once per week. Its high in calcium and needs to be feed sparingly to avoid bladder issues. Other high calcium veg that shoud only be fed once a week are spinach and parsley
Okay Thank you, is there anything I can give them daily?