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Hannah’s Herd thread!

Oh Maude ….listen to your slave she does know best ❤️
Hope your eyes get better asap 🥰
Maude eye is healing, I think. It’s still totally cloudy, but not weeping and it’s always open.
It’s hard to get a photo because she just wants food..

Unfortunately even if I wanted to take her to the vet I can’t! Jon and I have both got stupid C*vid :hb:
Oh no I hope you’re both ok and managing covid
Maud’s eye is looking better and being very vigilant you spotted it quickly !
It just takes time doesn’t it
Wishing you both and lovely Maud a speedy recovery ❤️🥰
Oh no! Hope you both start to feel better soon. Glad Maude is getting better.
Sorry you and Jon have Covid.
Hope it’s just a mild case and you both recover quickly.
Glad that Maude’s eye is on the mend
Thank you everyone, thankfully it was much much more mild than the first time we had it last year.
This time it felt like just a bad cold. Feeling much better today!
Maudes eye is healing up great too!

Here is Fergus’s head looking out while we sat down to do some birdwatching on our walk today
Yes it’s good to know you’re both recovering well - cannot beat getting outside with nature 🥰
Hello everyone!
Maudes eye recovered well, she’s back to her normal strange eyeball with Ocular heterotopic bone formation. (She likes to be different you see..)

Here she is with Henry. They absolutely love this bunk bed, it’s their favourite place to chill.

And here is Little Olive, also very chill in bed..

Here is Lion and Emily during floortime last week.

And Lion looking cutie patootie..

Here is Wolfie checking out a fresh botttlebrush branch..

Lucy, melting my heat as always..

Chickens getting up to mischief..

And the wet and soggy horses one day last week..
I only cleaned them out them out the day before.. why do they have to make such a mess?! :eek:
(Apart from the MESS..it’s cute that Henry is cleaning Maudes eye in this photo)

I’ve been having a little bit of lap time with Newton lately, as he’s the only one who genuinely doesn’t seem to mind it. He will stretch his front legs out or curl up and get comfortable. And even does yawns on my lap :wub:

Ultra close up when he stretched forward!

And Newton in his house, because he’s so handsome with his funny long hair.
I only cleaned them out them out the day before.. why do they have to make such a mess?! :eek:

Dear Henry and Maude

What is your slave saying? Your cage is a "MESS" ? It looks fine to me! Doesn't she realise that you've been very creative to get your cage just how you want it? Is it her cage? Does she live in it? Er .....NO. You can have your cage looking just how you like it - you live there. It isn't right when Slaves clean out your cage when you've worked so hard to get it to smell and look just so.

Ignore what your Slave says about you being messy - you aren't.

Yours very annoyed on your behalf

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Henry and Maude

What is your slave saying? Your cage is a "MESS" ? It looks fine to me! Doesn't she realise that you've been very creative to get your cage just how you want it? Is it her cage? Does she live in it? Er .....NO. You can have your cage looking just how you like it - you live there. It isn't right when Slaves clean out your cage when you've worked so hard to get it to smell and look just so.

Ignore what your Slave says about you being messy - you aren't.

Yours very annoyed on your behalf

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Dear Miss Bramble,
Finally someone who understands the ‘Beauty of Mess’. We try so hard to arrange our house just the way we like it. Myself, Maude especially likes to chuck hay onto the floor out of the hay tray. That way I can find the hay seeds and get them in my eye (Then I get extra attention). And Henry well he loves to throw our poop all over the place and just generally redesign all the furniture that slave puts in such as knocking over boxes or turning hideys into boats.

Thank you for your encouragement, we shall continue to protest each time slave tries to do the housework.
Yours thankfully,
Maude and Henry.
Oh Miss Maude! When will you learn you don’t have to nearly blind yourself to get grass.

Hope it clears up quickly.
Oh dear Maudie what are you doing 🥰
Hopefully the eye gets back to normal ❤️
I know I already done an introduction on a separate thread for the newbie, But I’ll do one on here as well for anyone new reading my thread.
Meet Buttons. A 2 year old (Swiss?) female, full of confidence and ever so cute.
She was given to me by a beautiful and kind family who just wanted to do right by her after she lost her cage mate a while back.

She slotted into Lion and Emily’s lives quite well with pretty much no dramas. Which made a pleasant change!
Emily really likes her and Lion is feeling cheeky enough to start winding her up a little.
Tonight she’s had floortime for the first time at my house and she’s had great fun!