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Hay Box delivery charge


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 17, 2020
Reaction score
Little bit disappointed to go onto Hay Box tonight to find their free delivery cut off has gone from £19 to £25. And their 50/50 10kg box is £24.95

Appreciate deliveries cost money, and online orders have shot up massively putting pressure on businesses...but when you don't have many piggies and not lot of storage space, buying in bulk is difficult.
That's sneaky, it looks like they've made the prices slightly less my order used to come to over £25 now it comes in 5p under the free postage price. It would be worth ordering some forage, the extra cost would cancel out the postage. I do sometimes have the pellets as well but I don't use enough to need them every month like the hay.
Could you order less often so you get two bags and save on postage? I know it’s not convenient.
I used to get the 10kg box as it was over the £19 needed for free delivery so that worked out perfectly for me. I've got the ideal space for 2 x 5kg boxes but any more and it means I have to get creative and have boxes elsewhere in the house. Not great for various reasons.

My boys don't get through a lot of forage so it's not really worth me getting that each time I need hay unfortunately.
Sorry. I hope you can find a solution.
I noticed that today too. They increased to £25 for free delivery. My subscription is for two 2.5kg boxes every 3 weeks and even though it's a bit less than £19 for both, I still get the free delivery. I wasn't charged for the delivery when my subscription was processed on Monday. I'll probably change my subscription frequency to longer dates and order 3 boxes just to make up the £25 needed.
Their hay is very good so I will probably end up ordering from them still. Their postage is £4.95 so at the very least I might as well buy another 2.5kg of something and pay £9.95 - I'd get the free delivery and have hay I can use that way rather than either losing the money to the delivery fee or getting something that I don't really need.

At least they've lowered the price of the 50/50 from £27ish. But just a tad sneaky to make it 5p under the free delivery mark!
That's unlucky, I ordered on Monday and prices were as they used to be!
Especially since their service lately wasn't great with tiny strands of meadow and ages for delivery. Not a good time to test the customers, especially without heads up...
Wow, that's cheeky. Just checked it and will be looking elsewhere. I've been wasting a lot of Timothy because it's full of hard stems my pigs leave, so definitely not worth the £30 they'll be charging. Fair enough, up the free delivery limit, but don't charge more for the hay! I buy some forage, but don't like how sneaky they are about upping the price literally out of nowhere 😳
Ahhh that is sneaky! I order some forage to ensure we are over the free delivery, will have to check my subscription that goes through next week!
So those who are subscribed weren't told the price have gone up and you'll be paying almost £10 more than you used to on a 10kg order? I noticed the boxes are in 5kg rather than 10kg and 5kg.
Just had a good look around the site at the new prices. They've standardised the various hay boxes so it looks like they're all now 9.95 / 14.95 / 24.95 outside of subscriptions for 2.5 / 5 / 10. But once you hit 15kg the Timothy is then 34.95 whilst the Meadow is 29.95. So I think they've lowered some of the prices...but some of them to the point where the delivery fee now kicks in instead.

Had a totally rubbish week workwise so I'm feeling overly and maybe unreasonably grumpy on this...I had the perfect hay storage space and it was all going so well - why did it have to change? Sigh.

Know it's not the biggest deal ever at all and the pandemic has really moved the goal posts for businesses, but it still smarts a bit this week.
That's not fair, but my pigs love the hay so I'll just get more less frequently.

What's the current length of time a delivery takes. I know it's been taking longer recently. I need to order some more soon.
They're back on track delivery wise. I ordered on Monday, old prices, and got it Wednesday.
Our subscription prices haven’t changed yet, I wonder if they will let one go through and then say going forward there will be changes! I don’t have space to order a 10kg box so it’s really annoying!
My delivery took five days last week. I can fit a 5kg box and didn’t mind spending a few extra quid on little bits but I don’t know how I’ll fit more hay in (I already can’t open my drawers because of the guinea pig setup!) and can’t justify spending an extra tenner each time... Might end up paying postage as the guineas really like the hay.
I think, whilst they might have sound business reasons for the change at their end, it does penalise customers who don't have the space to buy in bulk or who have financial reasons where the upfront cost of bulk buying doesn't work.

I know when it was at £19 some people would have felt the same, but they've just added a new pile of people to that camp now.
Definitely not unreasonable, they should have communicated with their customers better. I mean, my order of 10kg of Timothy blend would go from £20 to £30!

Disaster averted! I selected wrong box, I get 5kg not 10 kg! it's the right price, it still works out roughly the same, just separated it so hay price and delivery is not in one price 🤔

So. Edit my calculations. I used to get 5kg Timothy for 19.95 and will pay same amount again, they lowered price of hay and added the shipping. But still works out the same amount. That's OK, would be nice to have some clarity, tho 😂