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Healing vibes needed for Jerry

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I haven't forgotten his cystaid, I've just not managed to get to a post office because of work. I'm off Monday though so will get it to you then :)
Thanks for the thoughts and well wishes guys! I've had a very hectic weekend so haven't been able to update sooner.

Jerry is doing okay. He has responded well to the higher Metacam dose and his squeaky wees have become less frequent again - still a little more often than I would like, but there are signs of definite improvement.

The blood in his wee is now no longer visible to the eye, but is still showing up on test strips. I'm hoping this means that the bladder irritation is starting to decrease again with the anti-inflammatory properties of the Metacam, but I'm keeping a watchful eye.

His weight remains stable, and his appetite is as normal.

Here's a little picture of my Special Boy. He's very grateful for your thoughts.

C. x

Beautiful Jerry, glad to hear he is improving. keep it up little man! x
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