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Heartbroken. Rip My Darling.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2010
Reaction score
Surrey UK
This is honestly one of the hardest posts, and nothing could have prepared me for the loss of my little boy - Willy.

From the moment I first laid eyes on him, it was love. He was in a bad state - frightened and in pain, his eyes were so sad but hopeful. Starting off life with malnutrition, scurvy and paralysed back legs wasn't the best - and I knew there would probably be issues further on but he made up for it with his unconditional love.

Willy was always such a fighter, as soon as he realised there was some kindness in the world he blossomed and was honestly the most amazing guinea pig I have ever had the privilege of owning. He was kind, loving, relaxed and funny.. even in his final days he was his cheeky little self.

Rescuing him from bad conditions created a very strong bond between us. We would spend evenings together cuddling, hand feeding, grooming and having kisses. Throughout his life with me he has always been such a happy boy, a great huspig and a cuddle or kiss was never any trouble for him - he would never struggle or run away.

My baby was taken way too soon from this world, he deserved so much more but we did everything we could to make him comfortable and happy in his final days. Only the night before we had to say goodbye he was begging for his treat after his syringe feed.

I have a massive hole in my heart since saying goodbye to my little man. It will never be the same without him but I have peace of mind knowing that he is no longer in pain.

Rest in peace my beautiful boy.





Lovely tribute to a very special boy. Sleep tight Willy.

I'm so sorry.
Oh no, that's brought a tear to my eye. What a special piggy Willy was, and what a wonderful carer, nurse and companion you have been to him. I really am very sorry to read that he left you far too soon. In the time he has had with you though it seems like he has received several life-times of love.
Be free at the Bridge sweet one, restored to health once more. x x
With some piggies it doesn't matter how long or short they have to live but how full of love and joy of living their life is. It always heart-breaking when their time has come early because of what they are or have been through. Some piggies really seem to be for you from the moment you meet.

Personally, it helps me to imagine having furry little guardian angels looking out for my current piggies and me because in my heart they never leave me and they are somehow always present even if I can no longer touch them or see them.

RIP Willy
I'm so sorry that you've lost such a special boy. You clearly had a very precious bond and it's heartbreaking that you haven't had longer with him. He was so fortunate to find his way to you and to live in such a loving home. Popcorn free Willy. Hugs to you x
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. The bond you had with him sounded wonderful he was obviously so very loved and in return loved you too. He had an amazing life with you and will always be in your heart. Huge hugs to you x x

Sleep well handsome boy

RIP Willy
x x
So sorry to hear of your sad news. Night night little poppet, popcorn free at the bridge x
He was really handsome. And he does sound like a really special piggy to you.
I'm really sorry for your loss...

Popcorn free Willy x
I am so sorry. I have just lost my Ted after a similar journey. I only had him for 6 months but due to the fact that I nursed him through illness from the start it felt like out bond was massive. Lots of love to you. It is heart breaking but you were both lucky to find each other. Xx
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