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How Much Grass?


Forum Donator 2022/23
Jul 31, 2017
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I know you shouldn’t let pigs eat too much grass at first. But how much is too much? For example, yesterday I gave them about a fistful altogether. Is that an ok amount to start them on? They wolfed it down fast but I didn’t want to give them more in case they got the runs...
I used to put them out on the lawn for about 1/2 an hour, and built it up. I reckon a fistful is ok for starters and build it up. I give them a huge bowl now, but I'm starting to cut it down and give them more veggies because there won't be enough grass over the winter for them.
illimited. But as every new food, the first days you should give them only a little amount... but this is what you should do even if you decide to give them a bell pepper for the first time.
Once you are sure their gut digests the grass normally they can eat whatever they like; grass does not contain sugars and piggies don't become fat.
When I adopted my two piggies and they were young, they came home already used to the fresh grass...
Check the poo and when you cuddle your piggie, put your ear in contact with a side (for 30seconds and more) and then with the other side. You should not hear any "gurgle" (only the heartbeat)
Just increase the amount over a few days. Nothing better than hay and fresh grass for our piggies! The only problem now is that the grass is beginning to get past its best and there will soon be a shortage due to Winter approaching. Roll on next Spring!