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How To Collect A Urine Sample

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Staff member
Nov 10, 2009
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There have been a few threads lately where people are unsure on how to collect a urine sample off a piggie.

Seeing as we are currently in the midst's of UTI's and long term bladder problems (again) we are doing a lot of sample collecting and thought we'd produce a quick 'how to guide' for people to refer to

To get a sample you will need:
1. A clean Washing up bowl or large Tupperware
2. 2 x 1ml Syringes
3. A Sterile urine sample bottle
4. A small bowl of water (for syringing to pig)
5. A Pig

Get all equipment you need together

Step one

Syringe your pig lots of water, we flavour ours with Avi-pro plus (a pro-biotic) as this makes them want to drink it happily or give them some wet veg such as cucumber

Step two

Pop Pig in a bowl and wait for nature to take it's course

Step three
Suck up wee with sterile syringe

Step four
Decant wee into sterile sample bottle

Remember to store the Urine sample in the fridge until vets visit.
An exotics vet told us yesterday at the Potteries meet to please not to submit any samples that are older than 30 minutes as that can change the test results. But there is no reason why you cannot try for a urine sample while you are bridging the time until an appointment.
An exotics vet told us yesterday at the Potteries meet to please not to submit any samples that are older than 30 minutes as that can change the test results. But there is no reason why you cannot try for a urine sample while you are bridging the time until an appointment.

That's interesting, is that for a culture?
I was told a urine sample was fine if stored in the fridge, it's so strange when different vets have different opinions and ideas.

This is a really good tutorial though and is exactly how i got Marmite's urine sample.
She said that even things like glucosamine contect could change in that time.
That is what I thought of as soon as I saw this but I haven also been told the same thing, I think you could kinda think of it like food, the longer it is left the more prone it is to loosing it's vital ingredients so maybe the longer you leave the urinem the more likely it is that what you might have been looking for dissapears within the fluid, if that makes sense?
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