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Hutch Covers

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2015
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Quick question: What is the minimum temperature that would be safe for guinea pigs to live outside with a scratch +newton hutch insulator and cover on and snugglesafes? Can you please share with me how you care for your guinea pigs in winter.. Thanks:)
Thanks. I had a look at that thread earlier still not that sure what to do. I am getting two babies soon and my mum says we cant get a bigger indoor cage so they will have to stay outside year round somehow. Don't worry I will make sure they are kept warm even if it involves getting a shed we have heated and waterproofed.

My OH won't let me keep my guinea pigs indoors - but we managed to compromise and I now have them in an insulated shed . I would much prefer to have them indoors - but a shed is better than a hutch outdoors in my opinion.

I know some people manage with a hutch outdoors - using hutch covers, snugglesafe heat pads etc - but - how do you interact them? How do you do their health checks (weighing / nail clipping) ?How do you feed them? How do you clean them out ? If your guinea pigs are going to be outside, I think you will prefer keeping them in a shed over winter.

@BossHogg is a good source of advice on this subject .
My hutch when it was outside had a winter kingsize quilt wrapped around it and a tarpaulin over that to keep it dry, and loads of hay to keep them warm, they're now in a heated insulated shed. ;)
Yeah I think I might try to take over the shed! Otherwise I think carpets, snugglesafes, and hutch covers are a good option.
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