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I Lost Beans.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
I don't know how, but Beans managed to escape her cage. I can't even see how she did it, there are no broken grids or anything... :hmm:

Anyway, when I realised she wasn't there I panicked. After frantically searching for about 10 minutes I heard something rustling under the bed.

Low and behold it was Beans.
She always was the rebel, a free spirit who can't be contained by a cage no matter how big. (6ft by 6ft to be precise)

Even blindness and cysts can't keep her from an adventure :cool:
Wow, what an escape artist! It would be interesting to know how she got out, but I don't suppose she's letting on!
Naughty Beans scaring all of us like that!
But on the plus side she can't be feeling too bad if she is happily taking herself off on special adventures.
Let's keep everything crossed she doesn't decide to take Toast along as well next time.
Thank goodness you found her, my heart sank when I saw that title.

Gosh, totally agree. Opened the thread really worried :no:

I'm glad you found her quick, it must have been a nightmare the time it lasted!
Gosh, totally agree. Opened the thread really worried :no:

I'm glad you found her quick, it must have been a nightmare the time it lasted!
I can't even explain the fear when I couldn't find her. The front door was open as well,
I was freaking out. Beans, on the other hand, was just enjoying her little wander :doh:
I was so worried when I saw the thread title :no:.Thank goodness you meant she escaped.Sounds like a cheeky pig lol.
My little Max, life's to jump into the hay bag from the side of the cage...

Cheeky pig's, I bet Beans jumped the grids my Toby can climb pretty high.
I thought your title meant something else!

Glad to see shes fit and well, and enjoying adventures!
I paniced then! :( So pleased she okay, pesky Beans :love:
Thank goodness you found her, my heart sank when I saw that title.

I thought your title meant something else!

Glad to see shes fit and well, and enjoying adventures!

Must admit I was so relieved when I realised u meant lost not lost!
I even let out a loud naww when I read it.

So glad she's doing ok &still being happy &cheeky :)
... &that u found her ok before she took her adventure too far away ;)

Cute little critter :nod: :luv:
I'm on holiday so a bit behind catching up on forum, but I have to say the title brought a lump to my throat. Beans is one of the real forum characters and it shows how much we love ger adventures. You'll have to rename her Houdini if she carries on escaping from an inescapable pen. So glad she's still causing mischief xx
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