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I think Fudge is dying :'(

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Fudge and Rainbow :)

Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
Don't really want to say anything right now but I think it may be Fudge's time to go. If she is please can we have vibes for a peaceful passing? 8...
sorry to hear that... thinking of Fudge...
I can't stop the tears, I'm so upset. 8... She keeps falling over and wont eat. She's just lost the spark in her eyes. My poor baby girl. xx
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Oh sweetie, knowing you are there will bring her comfort xx
Oh, I'm so sorry for you hun 8... It doesn't sound good :( I hope she does pass peacefully if it is her time. Big hugs for you both!
8... I've just burst into tears reading this, I am so sorry to hear about Fudge, I hope Fudge passes peacefully and you being there with her will bring her great comfort, xxxxx hugs to you and Fudge xxxxxxx
if you think she may pass and her legs don't support her (if you have the heart), I would wrap her in a blanket/fleece, towel, nice and smug and keep her close. AP once suggested that hearing is the last sense to go, so keep talking to her, keep her calm and cuddled.
So sorry my love.
You being there with her is all she needs right now.
Sending lots of peaceful vibes and (((hugs)))

I'm so sorry to hear this :( I hope she passes peacefully. Big Hugs to you both xx
When Millie was fading we took her out and wrapped her in a fleece and had a cuddle then put her back in with her friends where she passed away quietly with them cuddled up with her.
I'm crying so much... I'm so sorry <3 My thoughts are with you *hugs you and strokes your hair* xxxxxxxx
if you think she may pass and her legs don't support her (if you have the heart), I would wrap her in a blanket/fleece, towel, nice and smug and keep her close. AP once suggested that hearing is the last sense to go, so keep talking to her, keep her calm and cuddled.

Everytime I pick her up, she squeaks gently like she's trying to talk to me and then she tries to get down. She just wants to be with her sisters. I will cuddle them all together. 8...
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