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I am allergic to most animals as well as other things, I have to take anti histamine every day. The animals still live in the living room though.
Actually my younger son and I are asthmatic and highly allergic to cats. yet we have two and try not to have alot of contact with them. But lately I noticed that when I sit with the guineas and feed them..I usually get this itch on the back of my neck and my arms. Sort of weird. One of my twin sons eye has been running lately. my youngest just got sick with a fever this weekend but I am actually thinking we are allergic to the hay because we are both allergic to grass. I love my piggies and I hope I am not allergic to them too. But antihistimines are popular in my household.
newpiggies said:
in the warmer weather that I get rashes after contact with my piggies - I'm OK if handling them with long sleeves.
Ali my daughter was like that this summer but since its been cooler she has been fine.
it may be the piggies themselves or what they are kept on. my dad and brother are both allergic to the hay, not the actual piggies. :) anti-histamines should help, as someone already said (sorry can't remember who) :embarassed: 98)
I find if I get a bad batch of hay I'm really allergic. Eyes streaming, sneezing, itchy throat etc. For a while I was worried it was the animals, but I pin-pointed it down to bad hay in the end, so I'm just careful to check hay before I buy it.
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