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Is my guinea pig sick?


New Born Pup
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
united kingdom
Hi! I am a week or two into having a new guinea pig named meatloaf. (he has a friend his friend is just unrelated to my question) So meatloaf has been making a breathy sound recently and I am trying to see if hes sick. For some reason it only happens in the mornings from what i've seen. It's not really a sneeze because its not high pitched. It sounds like a low pitched hiss to me. I cannot figure out what this sound means for the life of me please help!
if you are worried about a breathing issue, then please do take him to a vet. Its very difficult for us to decipher a sound via the written word. Only a vet check can help.
Hi and welcome!

Please see a vet if you have any concern whatsover; especially if your piggy is not well. Guinea pigs are prey animals that are hard-wired to suppress any symptoms for as long as possible.

You can reclaim any vet cost from the pet shop you have bought if the problem is seen within 2-3 weeks of purchase (UK practice) as part of your customer rights (for basically having been sold damaged ware).
Here is more information: New guinea pigs: Sexing, vet checks&customer rights, URI, ringworm and parasites

'Strange sounds' is unfortunately a rather wide field when it comes to guinea pigs. We cannot comment if we are expected to make wild guesses based on vague descriptions that are already filtered by the owner's perception, which can vary enormously as we have found.
Since this forum (which is entirely run by voluntary member donations) doesn't have a video uploading facility, you will have to upload on a public setting elsewhere and then copy across. Pictures you can upload via the icon on the bar over the post or via the Attach Files button underneath the post.

Please switch from the usual once weekly health monitoring weigh-in to weighing daily at the same time. Hay is around 80% of the daily food intake (which is about a human breakfast, lunch and dinner combined) but you cannot control that by eye alone. Your kitchen scales will give you the answers you need and tell you when you need to step in with feeding support.
Please take the time to read these guide links after you have made a vet appointment.
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig Safely
Weight - Monitoring and Management
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Please bring your piggies indoors if they are in a hutch.