Little Titch

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Guinea Slave

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 27, 2010
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As some you will know, I lost my beautiful girl Titch on Saturday. She was far too young and not ready to go but someone in heaven decided they needed her back.

I adopted Titch from the lovely Anna at Wheek and Squeak a couple of years ago. Anna said she had two babies who needed a home. She bought out two tiny babies, one was Biscuit and one Titch. Both had come from an RSPCA rescue and had lost their mum on the day they were born. Anna hand reared them and then they grew into health babies.

when i first saw the two of them I had two thoughts..OMG how cute! Secondly, OMG how loud! These two had the loudest wheeks ever and never a day after that did that change! Titch used to chat all the time and if you picked her up and cuddled her she would get SOOOO excited! It was a pain if you were trying to hold a conversation or watch telly as she would not stop talking! Every morning, she was the first to come up and demand breakfast and wow betide if you were late! You could hear her from across the garden on the way to the shed!

One of my first funny memories of her was when we put a metal hay rack in the indoor cage, she decided that this was an awesome place for napping. Every evening she would climb in and much to the annoyance of the others, stretch out and fall sound asleep the rack! She was so cheeky! She got too big in the end and I took it out for fear of her hurting herself..she was not best pleased and wheeked at me to put it back!

If you called her name she would run over to you like a little puppy for a head rub and back stroke. If you didn't have food that was fine, attention and cuddles would do nicely thank you.

She dealt with me flushing out an abscess for three weeks, despite being in a lot of pain and very unhappy about the whole thing, she never once bit, not once and would always enjoy her cuddles at the end as a reward.

There are many more tales I could say about Titch but in summary she was the friendliest, happy and noisy piggies I ever had. Even the day before she passed on she wheeked for her breakfast even though she was terribly weak and hardly able to eat. She wanted to ensure she wasn't forgotten. I will never forget that hopefully face and lovely, huge black eyes and her lovely little white paw which was just adorable.

Goodbye Titch, you have left a HUGE hole in my heart which I don't think will ever heal. enjoy being back with your sister and mum and all the other rainbow piggies. I know you will make them all very happy and bring a huge ray of sunshine wherever you go. I miss you so terribly. xxxxxxxxx

Here is Titch and her sister Biscuit as youngsters. Titch is the little black one with the cheeky face.

I am so sorry that you have lost your cheeky little girl so soon! Titch had a very happy and full life with you.

How is Biscuit coping?
Sadly we lost Biscuit last year to a mystery illness. Debbie from TEAS will remember well!

She has left Lacey and Sebastian. They have said their goodbyes and although a little quiet, are absolutely fine. We have had them out every night for lots of cuddles as much for us as them!
Sadly we lost Biscuit last year to a mystery illness. Debbie from TEAS will remember well!

She has left Lacey and Sebastian. They have said their goodbyes and although a little quiet, are absolutely fine. We have had them out every night for lots of cuddles as much for us as them!

I am sorry; yes, I remember Biscuit now, but I didn't make the connection! Losing Titch not long after must be a such a blow! :(
Oh I would not expect you to remember! Its never easy is it? Especially when they are so young.

I do wonder how much was due to their start in life, very poorly, overbred mother, hand reared etc. They did not have a great start and little Titch used to eat like a horse but never really put on weight (hence her name). ALthough she was also the most active guinea I ever met! You just don't know the impact such a bad start in life can have. At least they both had a fun life and they knew they were loved which is all you can do I guess.
I am so sorry, Titch was beautiful and sounded like she had the character to match, you must have shared such a great bond. Massive hugs to you x

Sleep well pretty girl

RIP Titch
x x
Oh I would not expect you to remember! Its never easy is it? Especially when they are so young.

I do wonder how much was due to their start in life, very poorly, overbred mother, hand reared etc. They did not have a great start and little Titch used to eat like a horse but never really put on weight (hence her name). ALthough she was also the most active guinea I ever met! You just don't know the impact such a bad start in life can have. At least they both had a fun life and they knew they were loved which is all you can do I guess.

It can well be; I lost Taffy's daughter Telyn very young - she was from a very bad over- and inbred background as well. I took it much harder than I expected to, so when Tegan arrived so unexpectedly a few months after Telyn's sudden passing, it was like it was meant to be. I still miss Telyn even with all the others that have come since, though!

You can only cherish every day you have them in your life and do your best to make theirs as happy as you can, so there are no regrets, just the huge pain of the loss. :(
It can well be; I lost Taffy's daughter Telyn very young - she was from a very bad over- and inbred background as well. I took it much harder than I expected to, so when Tegan arrived so unexpectedly a few months after Telyn's sudden passing, it was like it was meant to be. I still miss Telyn even with all the others that have come since, though!

You can only cherish every day you have them in your life and do your best to make theirs as happy as you can, so there are no regrets, just the huge pain of the loss. :(

Its funny how some hit you more than others. Its comforting to know that with all the piggies you have, some impact you more than others. I thought I was just being over sensitive. You are right, I have learnt to cherish them every moment. Every night I put them to bed before I go and make sure they have a chin or head rub and their favourite herbs and hay. I always tell them I love them...sounds so soppy doesn't it!?
Its funny how some hit you more than others. Its comforting to know that with all the piggies you have, some impact you more than others. I thought I was just being over sensitive. You are right, I have learnt to cherish them every moment. Every night I put them to bed before I go and make sure they have a chin or head rub and their favourite herbs and hay. I always tell them I love them...sounds so soppy doesn't it!?

I do the same! You can never tell those you love enough... ;)
I've had certain ones hit me hardest too - Nigel being the main one, I was completely floored even though it was expected. Buzz, Gertie and Maddie too. Then there was Moleman the hamster, he was only with is a few weeks, blew up like a balloon and the vets found a tumour while he was under anaesthetic for the gas to be sorted and we had to let him go, it was just as we were getting to know him too.
With me it is my Minx who I acutely grieved for for 18 months in my pre-forum days when I had nobody to share my feelings with, and then later Fflur (a very sweet older lady we only had for a few weeks four years ago, but they were clearly the best of her life before she unexpectedly died in an emergency op), Telyn, Hafina, Cariad and now Taffy that have most got under my skin so far. I love and miss them all, but with some you develop a deeper bond; that is in the nature of thing and nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about.
Thank you for all your kind messages and support. Like Wiebke said in a previous post, before I met everyone on this forum it made the grieving process so much harder. Your friends and family want to help so much but none really understand. For me personally, whilst not taking the pain away, has made a big difference just to be able to say how we feel and know we won't be laughed at.

Reading the above, we are all so alike here. Even someone like me who was so upset to lose their hammy. I howled at the vets when my little hammy Peanut was pts sleep years ago, I cried for days. Like we say, some of them just leave a massive hole in your heart. The ones which you bond with and you have a very special relationship with just knock you hard when they leave us. I am not religious but I hope that there is a heaven and every one of us get to see our friends again one day.

Titch was cremated just now, they offer a lovely same day, individual service as I cannot bear the thought of them lying there for a day or so. She is now in the same casket with her sister Biscuit and her other friend Bella. They are no doubt creating chaos where ever they are!
So very sorry to hear about Titch. She sounded like such a little character and take comfort that she had such a loving and happy life with you......
Bless you, I'm so sorry to hear about Titch, she looks so beautiful and sounded like an Incredible cheeky and completely adorable little Piggie. You were so fortunate to be in oneanothers life and spend the time you had together. I can tell you really enriched oneanothers life with happiness, comfort and laughter. I would imagine every time you heard Titch squeak, saw her sleep, watched her play or even just thought of her, you would smile from cheek to cheek. Titch is playing with all her friends now over the Rainbow Bridge and like you will never forget her, she will never forget you, Bless you Titch.
Bless you, I'm so sorry to hear about Titch, she looks so beautiful and sounded like an Incredible cheeky and completely adorable little Piggie. You were so fortunate to be in oneanothers life and spend the time you had together. I can tell you really enriched oneanothers life with happiness, comfort and laughter. I would imagine every time you heard Titch squeak, saw her sleep, watched her play or even just thought of her, you would smile from cheek to cheek. Titch is playing with all her friends now over the Rainbow Bridge and like you will never forget her, she will never forget you, Bless you Titch.
today one of my guinea pigs Winston had an operation because he had a lump on his neck and the operation went fine they got rid of the lump and at the last minute he died and they tried to resuscitate him but the didn't make it sadly but his dearest friend Nelson will miss him loads and he will never be forgotten RIP Winston you will never be forgotten love you loads xxxxx
Safe journey to the Bridge little Titch and hugs for your mummy.

Oh what a beauty she is - a lovely shiny black piggie just like my Sambuca (RIP).
I hope they have already met at The Bridge and are nomming the grass together.
Bless you, I'm so sorry to hear about Titch, she looks so beautiful and sounded like an Incredible cheeky and completely adorable little Piggie. You were so fortunate to be in oneanothers life and spend the time you had together. I can tell you really enriched oneanothers life with happiness, comfort and laughter. I would imagine every time you heard Titch squeak, saw her sleep, watched her play or even just thought of her, you would smile from cheek to cheek. Titch is playing with all her friends now over the Rainbow Bridge and like you will never forget her, she will never forget you, Bless you Titch.

Thank you so much Moo, I do keep thinking of her cheekiness, the shed is not the same at the moment, very quiet. xx
Safe journey to the Bridge little Titch and hugs for your mummy.

Oh what a beauty she is - a lovely shiny black piggie just like my Sambuca (RIP).
I hope they have already met at The Bridge and are nomming the grass together.

Oh I do hope they are together. Thank you Pebble xx
today one of my guinea pigs Winston had an operation because he had a lump on his neck and the operation went fine they got rid of the lump and at the last minute he died and they tried to resuscitate him but the didn't make it sadly but his dearest friend Nelson will miss him loads and he will never be forgotten RIP Winston you will never be forgotten love you loads xxxxx

So sorry to hear about Winston. Poor, poor bit. I hope Nelson and you are managing ok xx
i think he might be but I have 2 boars that are 3 months old and Nelson has been getting on with them fine and now they have just started fighting I am not sure weather to reintroduce them back the see what happens any suggestions ?
Umm, best to tag @Wiebke boars can be very tricky and even with my girls, if there is any disruption for a few days then it may not work. I hope it does work out. Hugs to both you and Nelson.... Lovely names by the way! X
i think he might be but I have 2 boars that are 3 months old and Nelson has been getting on with them fine and now they have just started fighting I am not sure weather to reintroduce them back the see what happens any suggestions ?

I am very sorry for your loss, @brianna. It would be good if you please started your own thread in the behaviour section.

Your boys have hit the teenage hormones now. You can try to introduce him to them and see how it goes, but please be aware that the really tricky time is still ahead and that there is a risk that you can end up with three single boars that won't get on with any of the others.
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