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Music downloads - please help

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Ok deb do you know who sings it, if you do then ill get it off of my limewire and email it to you if you like?
Verity, that would be fab if you could do that for me.

There are a few that I really must have for this CD. They are

He's Your Problem Now - Ruby Lovett
Swing baby - David Ball
Smokey Places - Ronnie McDowell
C'est le Vie (you never can tell) - Chely Wright
Gonna Move Across the River - Bill Pinkney
Love me just a little bit longer - Heather Myles

It would be her fave ones that I can't find wouldn't it? Typical!

If you could find one, any or all of these songs I would be eternally grateful. Only if you have time though, please don't put yourself out my love.
Swing baby - David Ball and Love me just a little bit longer - Heather Myles on their way too!
Kelly you are a little angel. My wrinkled brow seems just that litlle less creased now. ;D

can I be really cheeky and ask if you can find
Bye bye (mi piccolissima) by David Civera
Chilly Cha Cha by Jessica Jay

Wow! the power of guinea pig forums and the wonderful people who use them never ceases to amaze me.

:-* ((hugs))
Oh My God! That is one of the best dances EVER!

I'm so happy right now. Its brilliant timing too cos I have a friend due any minute and we're going to be having a dance night.
That Bill Pinkey one is ever so long, so not sure if it will send.

Bye bye (mi piccolissima) by David Civera and Chilly Cha Cha by Jessica Jay on way!
I can't believe you found those. I'll save them onto the pooter quick so that it won't clog up the innbox
You really are a little treasure Kelly. Thank you so much for all your help with this :-*
So sorry i couldnt do that for you, i have literally just seen your reply i've been on holiday well done kelly to the rescue lol hope your friend likes the CD x
Thanks i saw that post and remembered and felt so guilty! your a star! x
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