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New Baby Already Has Problems


New Born Pup
Apr 22, 2018
Reaction score
I got a new baby guinea pig three days ago. He is about eight weeks. Last night, I noticed both his eyes were really crusty. I showed my roommate and told him that it said online to wipe the eyes. My roommate told me not to. It looked like it was healing that way and if I gently cleaned it, I would forcibly rip them open. I thought that was silly, but I listened to him because I didn't want to freak him out. Well, this morning one of the eyes got a lot worse and it was completely swollen shut with the crust. I had a guinea pig with a similar issue before. They told me it was only pink eye and gave her eyedrips at the vet, but this worries me more just because he is so young and I don't know how stong his immune system is. I have no idea what went wrong because I only just got him. I will edit my post to include a picture soon.
Please have him seen by a vet. A course of eye drops should do the trick but only a vet can diagnose and treat.

He could either have the beginnings of a uri or cojunctivities
Where abouts do you live? You really need to get him to a piggy savvy vet. There's a vet locator on this forum if you're in the UK. Did you get him from a pet shop? Sadly lots of baby pigs come with illnesses like that and crusty eyes are not an uncommon symptom.

Does he have a friend or do you have other pigs you plan to bond him with? If he's had contact with other pigs they may need treatment too. If not then when he's all better it would be fab to get him a companion :)


Yes I did get him from pet shop.
He does not have a companion yet because his cage and set up was a lot. I planned on introducing a friend next month when I got more money.
I live in Washington state from USA.
Thanks for answering and hopefully pics go through correctly. Its way harder to upload them via phone and it was driving me crazy. Lol

Edit: that shows his normal eye only for comparison
For some reason I have to reupload other eye sigh
The pet shop should pay for his treatment then as he's was sick in their care. The trouble is they can be tricky about how they do it so they may ask to refund him and take him back. Either way he definitely needs to see a vet I'm afraid :(
How messed up of them. I am attached to him now. I am not replacing him. It makes me worried what could happen to him if exchanged. They need to take better care of their animals. They told me they don't take refunds anyway. :( Will not buy from them again, but I will call them up and explain the problem. I doubt they would help, but it is worth trying.
I got a new baby guinea pig three days ago. He is about eight weeks. Last night, I noticed both his eyes were really crusty. I showed my roommate and told him that it said online to wipe the eyes. My roommate told me not to. It looked like it was healing that way and if I gently cleaned it, I would forcibly rip them open. I thought that was silly, but I listened to him because I didn't want to freak him out. Well, this morning one of the eyes got a lot worse and it was completely swollen shut with the crust. I had a guinea pig with a similar issue before. They told me it was only pink eye and gave her eyedrips at the vet, but this worries me more just because he is so young and I don't know how stong his immune system is. I have no idea what went wrong because I only just got him. I will edit my post to include a picture soon.

Hi! Please have your guinea pig vet checked tomorrow.

Unless it has a bad eye infection, which can deteriorate very quickly and lead to the loss of its eye,
it is very liekly suffering from a bacterial respiratory infection (URI), which can kill or permanently damage if it is not treated. In this case, you urgently need an antibiotic and a mucus thinning product to free up the airways as quickly as possible again!
You can reclaim any vet cost from the pet shop by presenting the sales receipt together with the vet bill within 2-3 weeks after sale; it comes under your customer rights for having been sold defective ware since exposure and infection has happened at the shop. The longer you wait, the smaller the survival changes.
Guinea Lynx :: URI

Please switch from weighing weekly as part of the normal health montoring to weighing daily at the same time and to support feeding with fibre if your piggy has lost more than 50g of weight. The need to breathe comes before the need to drink and only thirdly the need to eat. 80% of the daily food intake is unlimited hay; you can't check that by watching your piggy nibble on a little veg. Cheap kitchen scales from a supermarket will do.
Not Eating And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Definitely see a vet, as it could be either an eye infection or a symptoms of an upper respiratory infection that can get quite serious and even fatal quickly in a young guinea pig. Unfortunately a lot of piggies from pet stores come home sick because they have been under a lot of stress and have not been well-cared for. Hope this helps and hope your little pig recovers well!
Please see a vet. I hope your little piggy gets better soon. Guinea pigs are so cute and melt your heart, I can understand totally that you don't want to exchange him because you already love him. Sending you hugs. xx