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new cage :) thoughts?

I like the set up! The hides are adorable 🍓. I would wonder about how much air flow they would be getting since panels are solid. Could you use metal grids so they have more ventilation? That's it 😊
I like the set up! The hides are adorable 🍓. I would wonder about how much air flow they would be getting since panels are solid. Could you use metal grids so they have more ventilation?

It’s fine to use those panels. They are used regularly and don’t cause any issue with ventilation given the whole top is still open.
The only issue those kinds of panels pose is not having anywhere to attach water bottles for piggies who won’t use bowls.
Aw, that looks like a lovely set up. 😍
The only thing I'd say is be careful if somebody sleeps in the bed they're next to- I'm constantly falling out of bed or sending my blankets/hot water bottle flying, and I wouldn't want someone to accidentally hurt the piggies. :)
I like the set up! The hides are adorable 🍓. I would wonder about how much air flow they would be getting since panels are solid. Could you use metal grids so they have more ventilation? That's it 😊
Thanks for the response! I considered that as well but it seems like around the edges of the panels are some small little holes, so I’m hoping those provide enough airflow along with the top. We’ll see!