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Off To The Vets With The 'three Little Pigs'

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Anniversary Herd
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Wigan, UK
Bess has been in with the other two babies for a week now, after a weeks quarantine. Everything fine, all lovely. Today I have noticed Bess is starting to get a snotty nose and eye, and Lyza is a little bit snuffly so vet is being called first thing in the morning to book them in to have a once over. I am taking Winnie too so she can be checked over. I'm thinking it's an antibiotic job even if it's just Bess. Apart from that they are all fine, nice and bright and eating and pooping fine so that's a good thing. Poor little ones, hoping the vet sorts them out :)
That's sods law Wiebki! At least with Bess you can see she has got something going on with the snotty nose and gammy eye. I'm hoping I'm just worrying when it comes to the other two, but either way I'd like to be safe than sorry :)
I definitely think i'll end up with antibiotics for Bess and Lyza. Not sure about Winnie. No sign of anything un-toward with her but getting her checked anyway.
They may just give her some as precautionary any how?
Bless them.
When we got Bert, after a week he was fine and stuff so let Frank go and see him and have a sniff... Next day Bert was sneezing and coughing all day. Luckily Frank was fine, didn't do much for my nerves though! Quarantine turned into a month long! But at least your girls are all in together and can all be treated and get better! :')
I was going to qaurantine for 2 weeks, but after no signs of illness from Bess and the fact that she didn't seem to be doing well without company, I decided to bond them. Hopefully it will get sorted easily.
I was going to qaurantine for 2 weeks, but after no signs of illness from Bess and the fact that she didn't seem to be doing well without company, I decided to bond them. Hopefully it will get sorted easily.
Hopefully, As long as they're all still fine in themselves it should be an easy sort out !
you can always ring the vets and ask to go in earlier if anything changes :)
Sadly I'm in work so I can't go any earlier, but they are all quite happy at the moment. If I felt it was that urgent I'd have booked them in first thing and sorted work around them, but they are happy and eating and drinking so I'm not too worried at the moment. I think i've caught whatever it is at the start *fingers crossed*. :) :)
Just back from the vets. They certainly had the once over. Bess and Winnie were as good as gold (although I was surprised as Bess is usually the terror of the group) and Lyza was a madame and wouldn't sit still, she also decided to terrorize the zip on my coat with her teeth.

The little one's measured in at:

Bess 0.39kg
Winnie and Lyza 0.46 kg

My scales broke last week so i'm after a new set this weekend to get the girls weights back on track.

Anyway, they definitely have upper respiratory tract infections but thankfully I have caught them early. So they are all on Baytril for the infection, Metacam for any pain and inflammation (Bess glands where slightly swollen) and a pro-biotic for their gut. They aren't going to be impressed about that!
Aww, good job your caught it early and I wish them a speedy recovery, did you have p@h pay for the one you got recently?
I could have done, but to be honest I don't trust their vets and I know mine and trust them so I was more comfortable with taking them to mine. Pet's at home would probably argue over it anyway!
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