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Peaches Being Neutered

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Cavy Lover

Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 18, 2014
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Hello guys, I hope everyone is doing well.
I've posted a thread about this before but I can't find it so I'm just posting another. Tomorrow morning (Tuesday) my boar Peaches will be going into the vet and getting neutered. I have no idea what to do when he gets home. The vet said that he doesn't need to be fasted. He also said that there is a risk involved but it still should b done. I know there is a sticky on neutering but I would like some extra advice aswell. I have some question: How long does Peaches have to stay away from the girls after he is neutered? What is neutral bonding? Will Peaches still mount my girls after he is neutered?
Also any advice on making sure he is comfortable when he gets home and other stuff like that. I am really nervous. Please tell me how your pigs were after being neutered.
It takes six weeks after neutering for Peaches to be safe with your girls. He will still mount as neutering does not change behaviour. I am not sure what neutral bonding is. I have not heard of that.
Thanks. I don't know what neutral bonding is. i read it somewhere online. Will I have to bond him with the girls again? What are the risks of him dying?
Yes you will have to bond him with the girls on a neutral space. The links in the bonding section will tell you how.

I do not know statics for neutering, sorry.
Thanks, I've just read through my old thread and I will right what @Wiebke said down. I will also look at the bonding section. I will keep Peaches by himself for six weeks. Why is it six weeks and not till his stitches are out?
@Cavy Lover : My Tegan has been very much a surprise baby thre years ago courtesy of a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post op rescue boar. I have since heard of a few other cases, but never one over 6 weeks, which is also the waiting time that all good standard rescues have adopted for their own neutered boars or if they date/rehome sows of theirs with neutered boars.
Ok. Thanks. Should six weeks be alright or seven just in case. Better safe then sorry.
I just read the thread Guinea Pig Castration Explained posted by @Abi_nurse which was very interesting and I am feeling better about the operation but I'm still nervous. @Abi_nurse do you have any information after that thread? I read in that thread that fleece and stuff like that was reccomended. Peaches is on shredded newspaper is that alright and soft anough? How long are the stitches in for? Sorry I'm asking so much questions it is just that I'm anxious.
I just read the thread Guinea Pig Castration Explained posted by @Abi_nurse which was very interesting and I am feeling better about the operation but I'm still nervous. @Abi_nurse do you have any information after that thread? I read in that thread that fleece and stuff like that was reccomended. Peaches is on shredded newspaper is that alright and soft anough? How long are the stitches in for? Sorry I'm asking so much questions it is just that I'm anxious.

shredded newspaper is not an ideal post op surface. Vet bed, fleece or light towels are better, as they are soft and you can also see if there is any bleeding. there are several operation methods, but most often, these days, the very small neutering scars are glued and not stitched. they dissolve on their own as the wound knits together within 10-14 days. ;)
Shredded newspaper will be soft enough but I'd be a bit worried about the newspaper getting damp. I would avoid beddings like shavings or Aubiose .

I would discuss things like stitches with the vet. I think most vets use dissolve-able stitches - or even glue .

I can appreciate why you're anxious - that's only natural.
Would it be alright if I used maybe two soft towels on top of each other?
I'm sure towels will be fine. Just keep an eye on Peaches - the only problem with towels is if your guinea pig gets a claw caught in one of the loops.

I hope everything goes well tomorrow.
I just got Peaches back from the vet. He got staples instead of stitches and they look very clean. The vet said that he was crying when he got the injections. The staples will be taken out next Thursday. Right now he is asleep in his carry case which is full of fleece lining. He hasn't eaten or drank anything yet but I will try in a minute. I am going to go shopping to get him some stuff later. What vegetables are recommended for sick piggies? I have given him some apple to keep his blood sugars up but he hasn't eaten them. I can hear him moving around a bit now. He is on 0.5ml of pain relief and 0.2ml of antibiotics once daily. Is that alright? The vet also said that he can go back in with the girls once his staples are out which is Thursday the 19th.
I just got Peaches back from the vet. He got staples instead of stitches and they look very clean. The vet said that he was crying when he got the injections. The staples will be taken out next Thursday. Right now he is asleep in his carry case which is full of fleece lining. He hasn't eaten or drank anything yet but I will try in a minute. I am going to go shopping to get him some stuff later. What vegetables are recommended for sick piggies? I have given him some apple to keep his blood sugars up but he hasn't eaten them. I can hear him moving around a bit now. He is on 0.5ml of pain relief and 0.2ml of antibiotics once daily. Is that alright? The vet also said that he can go back in with the girls once his staples are out which is Thursday the 19th.

I will tag @Wiebke to make sure she picks this message up.
Anything he usually likes to eat as you don't want him to loose wait, good luck x
Peaches is sitting on my lap fully awake. He is munching away at an apple slice aswell. He also drank 2ml of water from a syringe as he is refusing to drink from a water bottle. He is also refusing to eat his dry food should I leave him or syringe feed him? The hair around his eyes is wet is that normal or is that just from the mask? Is eye crustation normal? I collected him at around 3:45 and he has't pooed or weed though he hasn't been fed till now is that ok?
I just got Peaches back from the vet. He got staples instead of stitches and they look very clean. The vet said that he was crying when he got the injections. The staples will be taken out next Thursday. Right now he is asleep in his carry case which is full of fleece lining. He hasn't eaten or drank anything yet but I will try in a minute. I am going to go shopping to get him some stuff later. What vegetables are recommended for sick piggies? I have given him some apple to keep his blood sugars up but he hasn't eaten them. I can hear him moving around a bit now. He is on 0.5ml of pain relief and 0.2ml of antibiotics once daily. Is that alright? The vet also said that he can go back in with the girls once his staples are out which is Thursday the 19th.

Please hand feed straight away, little but often; if nothing goes in, nothing will come out! Fibre should make up to 80% of the daily food intake and is the staple on which a piggy tummy marches. You can find all the relevant information in our hand feeding threat, including how to improvise in an emergency. Fresh herbs like coriander/cilantro or parsley are always a good bet to titillate the appetite. it can take between 24-48 hours after an operation for the system to normalise and it may take yet hours for poos to be passed, so don't panic! If he hasn't pick up by tomorrow or is deteriorating throughout the night, please see the vet or if necessary an emergency vet.
Unfortunately i don't have any of those herbs is there anything else like that? I will look at the hand feeding now.
I don't have a syringe bid anough for mushed food. Can I use a spoon and just put the spoon in front of his lips?
I don't have a syringe bid anough for mushed food. Can I use a spoon and just put the spoon in front of his lips?

You can use a spoon and see whether he will take it. Otheriwse, you can get a 1 ml syringe from your local pharmacy.
Ok thanks. I will get one tomorrow I have just added the hot water to the food and I'm waiting for it to cool down.
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