Pig uninterested in play/explore


New Born Pup
Sep 28, 2021
Reaction score
Brighton, England
Hi! This is my first post btw but I was hoping to get some advice for my piggy. I am not really worried about him medically as he seems fit and healthy in all other ways as he is a good weight, moves freely, eats, drinks, etc. However, when I get him out for cuddles, I often try to provide some floor time where he can run around and play and explore and yet every time he is very uninterested and seems quite nervous so instead he runs back to me and begs for cuddles again (he loves them such a sweetheart). I was justified wondering if anyone knows if this is something I should be woried about or is it just not that important if he doesn’t like it. He has never been that playful. For some background, I will say he does live on his own and I know thats a big no no so I hope people can be compassionate and understanding that I can’t get another pig and so I am trying my best. He lost his brother a year or so ago now and he is about 3 years old now, and my mum (We still live at home) refuses - and I mean no way in hell - to let me get another because she doesn’t want to continue the cycle. Anyway, he doesn’t show any other signs of depression or loneliness so I don’t think this is related. But any advice or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi! This is my first post btw but I was hoping to get some advice for my piggy. I am not really worried about him medically as he seems fit and healthy in all other ways as he is a good weight, moves freely, eats, drinks, etc. However, when I get him out for cuddles, I often try to provide some floor time where he can run around and play and explore and yet every time he is very uninterested and seems quite nervous so instead he runs back to me and begs for cuddles again (he loves them such a sweetheart). I was justified wondering if anyone knows if this is something I should be woried about or is it just not that important if he doesn’t like it. He has never been that playful. For some background, I will say he does live on his own and I know thats a big no no so I hope people can be compassionate and understanding that I can’t get another pig and so I am trying my best. He lost his brother a year or so ago now and he is about 3 years old now, and my mum (We still live at home) refuses - and I mean no way in hell - to let me get another because she doesn’t want to continue the cycle. Anyway, he doesn’t show any other signs of depression or loneliness so I don’t think this is related. But any advice or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi and welcome!

I am very sorry that you cannot get a new friend for your boy, considering he is only about halfway through his life. Please read the links below so you can understand better what to look out for in single piggies and and what you can do in terms of perking his interest with making roaming time more interesting and interactive with you and how you can speak with him more in his own world. You should find the links very helpful and interesting.
Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities
Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips

PS: A fair number of UK rescues are now willing to address the companionship problem of single end-of-the-line guinea pigs by allowing you to foster a piggy of theirs that will return to the rescue after the death of your own piggy. Would your mother be more open for an idea like this?

Here is the link to our recommended and carefully vetted good welfare standard rescues list of places we can vouch for that you and your boy are in safe hands: Rescue Locator
This guide here also contains a chapter on rescue dating to find a personality matched companion, whether that is temporarily or forever: Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs

I hope that this gives you some new immediate and medium term perspectives.
Thank you so much for the information, I had no idea about the fostering program so I will have look more into that. I appreciate the help! Thanks
By far not all rescues will offer 'end of the line solutions' but some rescues now do.

Each of us will ultimately face this dilemma, whether we have piggies only once or have to eventually stop with a succession in old age... You are clearly a caring owner.