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Piggie Cravings!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 30, 2017
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
So I have two wonderful boys - they give me so much joy. But, I'd like to expand our little family!
Thing is, my partner thinks we're fine as four. I kind of see where he's coming from but...

How do you guys fight the urge to just adopt every piggie from your local rescue and have a tribe of like 100 pigs?!

My other half says I've lost the plot! They're just such lovely creatures, I want to scoop them all up and cuddle them - yes, every guinea pig in the whole world!

Here's a pic of my lovely boys' lovely bums!

2017-02-17 12.11.24a.jpg
First off..... with boys don't be tempted to add anymore to your pair... You could destroy the bond and trio's of boys rarely work.

You could maybe get another pair in a separate cage?

I fight the urge because I have had poorly piggies and I know that if you have two or more piggies very poorly the care becomes very stressful. One piggy syringe feeding is tricky and emotionally/physically draining but having two ill is a nightmare... So I would never have more than a trio now and for the time being am hap[py at being at a pair of girlies again. Also it is worth thinking about finances and how to afford vets bills if they get poorly the more you have the more at some point you'll be visiting the vet.

I know they are addictive and I don't want to pout you off and many people on the forum have lovely little herds, so always think what you can afford finance wise and time wise in worst case scenario's before adding to the furry family.

Stunning piggy bottoms by the way :drool:
First off..... with boys don't be tempted to add anymore to your pair... You could destroy the bond and trio's of boys rarely work.

You could maybe get another pair in a separate cage?

I fight the urge because I have had poorly piggies and I know that if you have two or more piggies very poorly the care becomes very stressful. One piggy syringe feeding is tricky and emotionally/physically draining but having two ill is a nightmare... So I would never have more than a trio now and for the time being am hap[py at being at a pair of girlies again. Also it is worth thinking about finances and how to afford vets bills if they get poorly the more you have the more at some point you'll be visiting the vet.

I know they are addictive and I don't want to pout you off and many people on the forum have lovely little herds, so always think what you can afford finance wise and time wise in worst case scenario's before adding to the furry family.

Stunning piggy bottoms by the way :drool:

Very true Sport Billy when they are ill it's so draining emotionally I know they are worth it but it's difficult getting any sleep when they are ill or thinking about anything else when they don't feel 100 per cent. x
Um I am not the person to answer this question after going from 2 to 4 and now to 5... If you find out how to resist bring in more piggies please let me know too! :))


I'm not saying don't increase but think hard about it first. Piggies are so very addictive!
I have always thought of the vets bills. Saying that I recently went from 2 to 4 boars. The weekend I found the extra two I also came into a small legacy which immediately went into the savings account I keep for vets bills. It just seemed meant to be on this occassion. I couldn't fit another cage in the house now so that is definitely it.
Very true Sport Billy when they are ill it's so draining emotionally I know they are worth it but it's difficult getting any sleep when they are ill or thinking about anything else when they don't feel 100 per cent. x

That's very true, that's been my life for the past few weeks, even before my boy was mine! I worry about other peoples piggies too so... :D
I allow myself as many as i want provided that it doesnt impact on the care and attention that my current pets receive.

I also put money aside for veterinary care and for extras like toys and upgrades. My pets are my main hobby.

Ps love the thread title!
I'm the same as Sport Billy. I've had two pigs ill at the same time and it is very demanding. I want to be able to give the ill piggy 100% of the attention they need.

I also have to think of practical things like the fridge not being big enough for a lot of veg, and being limited to what I can fit in my wheelie bin.

I used to have 4, but now have 2. There is a huge difference in upkeep just by having an extra pair.
I may have a problem with getting more piggies, but I try to get from rescues when I can.
Thankfully we are only allowed the two piggies as that is stated in our rental contract but I would like a couple more. We don't have a rescue near us so I just stay away from pet shops lol.
I agree it is hard, but I also think you personally will know when you have reached your own limit.

I think I would be tempted to have far more piggies, but several things happened in the first year of piggy ownership that really made me sit back and think.

- My happy little herd of 4 suddenly fell apart and needed to be split into 2 pairs. This in itself has worked out fine, but I had visions of a slightly larger herd (5 - 6 piggies) all together in a huge C&C, and having to accommodate 2 separate cages meant that I didn't feel comfortable adding more pigs.

Plus this reminded me that just because I want 6 guinea pigs in a 10 x 2 C&C, doesn't mean I won't end up with 4 guinea pigs split between 2 C&C's.
- Eddi has 2 fairly minor medical issues back to back. They were both fully cured with some basic medication and couple of trips to the vet, but the bills were eye watering. This was a very sharp reminded that small things can quickly escalate into big (and very expensive) things!

- We unexpectedly adopted a pair of rabbits - one of whom was extremely ill. She required around the clock nursing, and the whole thing was emotionally draining.
I have 2 children who were brilliant about the whole thing, but also devastated. I learn that caring for 1 ill animal is a lot to take on in my current circumstances, and felt that the more I have the higher the chances are of one being ill.

So despite being sorely tempted on more than 1 occasion, I also now feel I am personally at my absolute limit and couldn't take on another piggy right now.
I do really believe that if you really think about it you will also know just how much you can manage, as everyone has a different situation.
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