Piggy Facts

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Love this thread!
I'm Joey :)
1. I have just turned a year old
2. I can't choose my favourite veg because I eat anything & everything
3. I have recently made friends with my new cagemate Shaun, but I have to keep reminding him who's boss
4. I also have a friend called Wispa the cat - I put my feet up on the bars to say hello to her!
5. As you can see from my photo, I like to tip my pellets out of the bowl before I eat them..

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IMG_5433 by Julesie_g, on Flickr

1) My name is Ryou
2) I love to use my paws to tear into my vegetables. I put one foot on it and then tear with my teeth
3) I think I'm a dinosaur and shake vegetables around with my head, occasionally hitting my wifepig, Sakurai
4) I have a beautiful wifepig Sakurai
5) I love to chatter at my owner when I know she wants to take me out of the cage.
Hello, I'm Widget.

1. I was born in a horrible plastic crate on a farm on 10th November 2013.
2. I have had three babies, which surprised my mummy as she didn't know I was pregnant when she bought me.
3. I have a very worried face.
4. My favouritest food is carrot peel, but only when Pixel and Thor aren't looking.
5. I have mastered the Sneaky Wee and unleash it with no warning whatsoever.

Hey, I'm Luna!
1) I use this expression to make my slave feel sorry for me so she'll give me Romaine lettuce.
2) I like to practice licking my slave to death....& usually get over excited and start biting her.
3) I'm a total drug seeker and love the taste of them all! :woot:
4) Sometimes I chirp like a little bird and drive my slave mental cause she wishes she knew why :cool:
5) My lifes ambition is to break the world record for most poops produced in the shortest amount of time.


Well, Good evening. My name is Coco.
2) I'm a very serious, buisness minded woman, and do not like to indulge in childish jokes and games.
2) I think the way other guinea pigs behave is rediculous. There is no need for such hilarity, especially in our current economic climate.
3) I'm a very fussy eater and my slave is a terrible cook, but please, do not concern yourself with this, I let this be known by flipping the bowl over after picking the pieces i concider acceptable.
4) My slave loves me to pieces, but I must confess, I find her far too childish and immature to engage her in conversation on a regular basis.
5) I humour my slave by engaging in tedious activities as any common guinea pig would (pretending I enjoy cardboard tubes and paying in hay piles)....In her absence however, I am actively plotting my escape in order to overthrow you all.

Thank you for your time, your sincerely, your future Overlord.
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My name is Pixel.

1. I am Boss Pig and always first to the veggies.
2. My favourite trick is biting my mummy's clothes to make her think I need a wee when I don't.
3. I am good at double chooken legs.
4. I have bitten Daddy twice but never Mummy.
5. I like to sit with my bum in Mummy's face.
Wheek Wheek! My name is Thor.

1. I am one of Widget's babies and ended up staying with my hoomin mummy because she thought I was too cute to give away (I mean, I am beautiful after all!)
2. I look like a spasming racehorse when I popcorn - which is a lot.
3. Mummy likes to plait my bum hair (don't worry, she takes it straight out after).
4. I purr to my ladies whenever I see them.
5. I love snuggles.
20141228_132307.webp 1) My name is Gus but I'll only come to you if you sing "Gussy Gussy Gus Gus!"
2) I love lap time in my cuddle cup and will have a snooze because Walter never leaves me alone.
3) I'm a very patient pig, but sometimes I snap and hump Walters head to show him I'm boss!
4) I'm too chubby to do "up up" and will just lift one paw, but I can do "round round"...but only for thyme.
5) When I get a new pile of hay, I hide in it and jump out at Walter to scare him.
Hi! I'm Piglet!
1) I am very loud and vocal, I just love to chat! Mummy says I'm the loudest pig she has met!
2) I may have invaded Bubbles home but I'm the boss and make sure Bubble knows it!
3) I love to chew on my water bottle, even if I'm not thirsty, it's fun to chew on!
4) My hair, is amazingly soft.
5) My mummy's younger sister calls me 'Fabulous' because she loves my fringe hair!

My name is Bubble!
1) I am a master at escaping! Mummy even made threads a while ago to show the forum how naughty I was!
2) I like too keep mummy awake at night by popcorning really loudly when she wants too sleep!
3) I'm turning into such a big boy now, I have grown so much!
4) I LOVE chewing the bars, then mummy worries I will hurt my teeth! (I love to make mummy worry! Wheek wheek, hehehehehe, wheek wheek!)
5) Sometimes I like to try and be boss, but Piglet doesn't allow it :(

Hi I'm Rambo
1) I'm famous and was in the guinea pig magazine
2) My mummy calls me many names such a Rammy, Bambo, Bambi and Bambino I answer to none as I'm a diva!
3) I like to nip my mummy and daddy and cause havoc as I'm Rambo and I can.
4) I always win arguments and time out never works.
5) If I see food it mines, hay is mine and I don't need to beg as I'm Rambo.
6) As because I'm Rambo I'm allowed another fact. I complain about my mummy's driving especially around corners and speed bumps.
1. My name is Nutmeg
2. I used to live my sister but she passed away at just 11 weeks old
3. I now live with my best friend Cinnamon who is the same age as me!
4. Whenever I'm scared I run straight to my mummy for a cuddle
5. I love to try new vegetables! I even tried a grape the other day!
1. My name is Cinnamon
2. I am just over 4 months old
3. I live with my best friend Nutmeg and helped her get over the loss of her sister Bella
4. I don't like an vegetables except cucumber!
5. I am still very shy but love to have a cuddle with my mummy!
I'm Shaun (the sheep piggie)!
1. I've only lived with my mummy for a few weeks, but it didn't take long to make her fall in love with me!
2. Joey quite likes me too, but I'm still trying to convince him that he's not the boss...
3. I zoom & popcorn alot alot alot, and seem to make myself jump with it sometimes too!
4. I sleep out in the open with my little chooken leg sticking out, I'm such a chilled out dude
5. I like to wake mummy up in the middle of the night by attacking the water bottle with my teeth

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20140818_191510.webp1) My name is Walter but my hooman calls me her baby polar bear.
2) I am ferocious and I headbutt my pigloos to show it. Nobody believes me though :(
3) I rumble at EVERYTHING.
4) I love to annoy Gus by chasing him around and rumblestrutting even when he's just sitting quietly.
5) I rub my bum on everything because everything is mine!
I'm Shaun (the sheep piggie)!
1. I've only lived with my mummy for a few weeks, but it didn't take long to make her fall in love with me!
2. Joey quite likes me too, but I'm still trying to convince him that he's not the boss...
3. I zoom & popcorn alot alot alot, and seem to make myself jump with it sometimes too!
4. I sleep out in the open with my little chooken leg sticking out, I'm such a chilled out dude
5. I like to wake mummy up in the middle of the night by attacking the water bottle with my teeth

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Ooooooh Shaun you are SO CUTE! :D
Jasper & Edmondo


1) Jasper is Edmondo's dad.
2) Edmondo was born here as a surprise on the 15th March 2012 and is nearly 3 years old
3) Jasper is just 3 months older than Edmondo, so is 3 years old.
4) They have been bonded since the 3rd of April 2012.
5) Jasper is quite a shy piggy and took a year to settle.


1) Daisy is the sister of Jasper and the mum of Edmondo (surprise baby from the original owners not separating in time)
2) Daisy is 3 years old, born on the 1st of December 2011.
3) Daisy was bonded to her sister Ruby until she passed away in December 2014.
4) Daisy was only 3 months old when she gave birth to Edmondo :(
5) Daisy has recently been diagnosed with Arthritis in her jaw.

Why hello there fellow slaves, here are my five facts..
1- my name is Roddy and although I may have been last to join the crew I know I am secretly mummies favourite (I mean look at me how could I not be)
2- I'm not picky with my food I just eat as much as I can possibly fit in
3- I like to tease my mummy by coming to the front of my 5* hotel room to say hello and when she puts her hand in to say hello I run away hehehe
4- I love love love my cuddles, both my mummy and daddy can't get enough of me
5- I am the cleanest and best behaved of all my friends as I still haven't let out a little wee wee on mummy or daddy yet :-)
This thread is so funny, nice work @piggyfan !


1. My name is Ted and I am the toughest guinea pig in all the land
2. I like to hump my brothers face however I scream and cry if I can't find him in the cage!
3. I sleep on the roof of my hideys because I am the boss and need a good view over my kingdom!
4. I think Mummy's dressing gown is the best place to snuggle.
5. Rumble strutting is my absolute favourite


1. My name is Gizmo and I hate cucumber and tomatoes
2. I let my brother think that he's the boss but I secretly plan to take over the world, 1 lettuce leaf at a time
3. Mummy is my favourite and I bite daddy so that I can run accross the sofa to jump on her lap instead!
4. I am the loudest piggy and practice my singing all the time, you never know when the slaves might open the fridge you see!
5. I head butt mummy when she dares to stroke me instead of giving me food!
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Uhh what time do you call this? Waking me from my lay in and for what? So you morons can have a giggle and aww he's so cute, aww she is just adorable, oh that's so funny..
1- my name is nibbles I'm around the year age mark but I'm like a grumpy old man (well so I'm told anyway)
2- I live with my cage mate Galaxy (ha what a name), and I am totally the boss and I make sure he knows it, I even rumble strut when he's sleeping just in case he's plotting to tell me otherwise
3- I do not like being touched unless it suits me and I want a chin rub
4- I like to make a mess with my hay once mummy has cleaned the cage out
5- I enjoy snuggling in my new Cosy bed dad got me
Hello here's 5 facts about me
1- my name is Galaxy and I'm the cutest of the bunch
2- I don't like being picked up but I don't mind a nice cuddle especially when I can eye up mummies necklace to chomp on
3- I save my wee for when mummy cuddles me, it's so funny when I do it when she's got clean clothes on hehe
4- I don't like beans urgh disgusting
5- I don't hesitate to head but mummy if she's doing something wrong
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My five interesting facts
1- I am fuzzums or when you get to know me better you can call me fuzzy or fuzz buzz
2- I am boss in the ground floor flat
3- I am very laid back, will sit patiently while having a brush and don't mind a cuddle
4- I enjoy my sleep and am not impressed when it's disturbed
5- I make lots of noise around food time :-)

Hello I'm Mabel.

1. I'm told I'm confident but sweet all at the same time.
2. I love doing zoomies around mummy's hallway.
3. I love pepper.
4. My favourite place to sleep is on top of our cuddle cosy.
5. I like to pretend I don't care about my friend Amber, but when mummy isn't looking I secretly give her cuddles.


Hello I'm Amber.

1. I can be very grumpy when I'm tired.
2. I'm a sow that knows exactly what she wants and how to get it.
3. Even though I'm bossy I still like to follow Mabel around.
4. I love sleeping inside the cosy. But Mabel often climbs on top of it whilst I'm in there. So I've become an A* student at head butting technique.
5. I don't mind my mummy picking me up anymore, and even let a little foot relax to the side whilst I snooze on her chest.

HELLO we are Edgar & Poe!

Edgar (white stripe)

1. I am the more nervous one out of me and my brother, also I like to bully him!

2. My fave veg is a green bean. Nom nom!

3. I love it when my mommy scratches my nose.

4.I wheek that loud the neighbours have heard me next door!

5. I am soon going to see uncle Simon so I can start on the dating scene and find a wife!


1. I am very affectionate towards my mommy and I love being cuddled.

2.Edgar tries to bully me but because I am bigger he can't quite make himself boss, but he has a good try at it.

3. I popcorn when my mommy hoovers my cage.

4. My fave veg is also a green bean!

5. I am also going to see uncle Simon soon so I can also find myself a wife!
2014-11-19 16.22.35.webp Hello my name is Twix. 1. I am a hay ADDICT and i do not share my hay! 2.I am CRAZY and even the dog is afraid of me! 3. I have a magic spot on my that if you rub i yawn, stretch out then just conk out! 4. I use my food bowl as a pillow despite having many cozy beds. 5. I am very jealous when mummy gives the other piggies attention!
2014-08-02 21.30.43.webp Hello my name is Biscuit. 1. I am a very vocal pig and get very loud and demanding when there's food about! 2. I love to annoy Twix by waking her up and running off. 3.Twix may be the boss but the food bowl is all MINE! 4. I am a big wimp who knows how to guilt trip mummy when it's claw cutting day! 5. I have a special bond with Chopper the dog and we talk all the time!
Hi My name is Uno...

Five Facts about me..

1. I came to Lisa & Ali after I had a fall out with my cage buddies Quinn and Kasper as a temporary foster until rescue space could be found for me. I obviously must have behaved myself because Lisa & Ali decided to adopt me themselves.
2. I am uber cute even though I say it myself and will oblige allowing my chin to be scratched but only when I'm in the mood.
3. I am also one of the moodiest piggies ever and sometimes Lisa swears she can see a frown on my furry face when I'm not happy. Don't tell anybody but it's only a ploy to get spoilt.
4. Lisa & Ali always threatened to "have my pockets picked". I don't know what that means but it doesn't sound too nice but they said it's so that I can meet some of the girlies here - so I'm definitely up for that.
5. One day I was kidnapped, bundled into a carry cage and taken on a long car journey where I met a cheeky wee chap called Olly. He is tiny but has a huge wheek when it's feeding time so I let him do the hard work while I come to the side of the cage and look cute. So it seems that Olly and I have hit it off but I am a little disappointed that number 4 didn't work out but hey ho I've got a little brother to play with.

Ono & Olly...webp

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