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Question About Hammys And Guinea Pigs In The Same Room!


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
East Midlands
I know a lot of people on here have 'Animal rooms' Me included.
I have two hamsters, and my Guinea Pig Girls in a C and c cage in my own animal room,

But I've recently learned on a hamster forum that Hamsters should be kept in dark rooms away from windows and such because they need it dark in the day,

How do you guys square this with having Guinea Pigs who obviously need day light?

At the moment I've got the blinds at an angle that let's in light but shades the Hamsters under the window a bit?
Well I don't have any experience with keeping hamsters so please do correct me if I'm wrong but I assume it need to be dark because they're nocturnal and sleep in the day ?
I would suggest putting a blanket or similar over the hamster cage (or half the cage) which would obviously not block out any light for the guineapigs but would keep it dark for the sleeping hamster
I know it's not that helpful but I thought id I'd give some input anyway haha
Any input is useful! :)

One of my cages has some pieces of wood on the top anyway because she's an escapee
But I will drape a blanket over Igors :)
That's a good idea :)
My hamster Sharon is in a plastic tank currently on my desk and my pigs are in the same room.
Sharon doesn't act any differently in light or dark, she has the same routine. I just make sure direct sunlight isn't on her and she's quite happy!
My pigs don't mind either. In fact on my day off when I sleep in and have my room fully dark, they think it's the best thing and get all excited which disturbs my rest!
Never heard of hamsters needing to be in dark rooms away from windoows. I have 8 hamsters. 2 syrians that live in the dining room opposite my 3 guinea pigs. None of the hamster cages are in dark rooms. Hamsters are from the desert and will certainly have bright sunny days ... They will be in nice cosy underground burrows.

My hamsters all have good sized cages (100 x 50cm for the syrians) and plenty of deep (about 5 inches) paper bedding. I use fitch. Their houses have no bottoms and are on too of the deep fitch so that they can make deep burrows.

Honestly dont worry about it. If your hamster wants a dark bed he or she can dig one. Mine all love to dig.
Our hamster isn't in a dark room during the day and she sleeps just fine through daylight. She can sleep through anything, quite honestly! I have never met a lazier animal! They are naturally nocturnal, so sleeping through the daylight is natural for them (although in the wild they would probably be underground and not see it.) Our hammy bundles herself off under her 'blankie' in her hidey during the day anyhow, so she is not bothered by the light at all.)