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scab on guinea pigs chin


New Born Pup
May 30, 2021
Reaction score
united states
I'm quite new to this platform but my guinea pig has some sort of scab on their chin i cant afford a vet so is there something i can do to kinda help him? ((unrelated question how do i upload a photo🤔))
Click on ‘attach files’ below the message box then you can add a picture.

However we cannot diagnose anything and I’m afraid we cannot recommend any home treatments. A vet is the only person who can diagnose and treat any potential problems.
Using any kind of home treatment can make things much worse as you don’t know what the problem is and it delays seeing a vet. It can therefore become more costly in the long run when trying to fix a problem
I'm sorry you are short of money but really you must seek veterinary advice, the forum terms and conditions state that everyone here must agree to seek veterinary care when needed.
Scabs on the chin could be chelitis- a bacterial infection around the lips requiring prescription antibiotics from the vet- or may be ringworm, a fungal infection that is very contagious and also requires prescription treatment. Or, could be any other of a range of issues, only a vet can say for sure after giving piggy a hands-on examination!
I'm sorry you are short of money but really you must seek veterinary advice, the forum terms and conditions state that everyone here must agree to seek veterinary care when needed.
Scabs on the chin could be chelitis- a bacterial infection around the lips requiring prescription antibiotics from the vet- or may be ringworm, a fungal infection that is very contagious and also requires prescription treatment. Or, could be any other of a range of issues, only a vet can say for sure after giving piggy a hands-on examination!
thank you ill get him checked in a week if the scab doesnt come off its self :)